On 10/15/06, Borut Maricic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Errrr, I´m sorry to say but I 
can immediatly see that your code breaks
Win98 support for the ANSI version of win32 widgetset.

Oppppsss. It seams that me and Marc were very wrong!! Simply using
Wide functions does not break Win98 support at all.

In fact, the Wide functions exist under any Win9x OS. They simply only
work for characters supported by the current encoding. msdn docs
confirm this.

Also, I just tested the code bellow and it works perfectly on a
Windows 98 without unicode layer:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
 AText: PWideChar;
 AText := 'ó meu teste';

 Windows.TextOutW(Self.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, AText, Length(Text));

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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