On Sat, 28 Apr 2007 13:19:41 +0800
Paul Ishenin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, Graeme Geldenhuys.
> On 28.04.2007 you wrote:
> GG> Hi,
> GG> For the Editor Toolbar (add-on) package to work correctly
> GG> (visually than is), it needs to grab the glyph associated with
> GG> each registered action in the IDE. Unfortunately most menu items
> GG> have no images.  I'm trying to solve this problem by creating
> GG> some artwork, but before I can continue, I need the following
> GG> information.
> GG> Could somebody please confirm the following details. If there is
> GG> no standard, can we please decide on one now!
> GG> * What is the recommended image format? XPM?  If so, why are
> GG> there so many .BMP and .ICO files in the /images directory. Can
> GG> we get rid of the foreign image formats and stick to one format
> GG> only?  XPM seems to be perfect. It is small, it's made up of
> GG> text, so can be included in units directly and supports
> GG> transparency.
> For me it is very difficult to create XPM for every new image I want
> to add to lazarus. In windows I should at first create bmp or ico for
> that purpose, then I must load my linux, start gimp and there to
> convert from original image to xpm. It is not so fast and easy.

gimp runs well under windows.

> I can imagine that XPM is very easy to create for you, since it is
> widely supported under linux.
> Thats may be the reason that current images are stored in different
> formats.

There are only historical reasons.

> OTOH BMP, ICO and XPM support only mask (so they are not true 32 bpp
> formats). And why not to use modern and widely used PNG format?
> PNG is supported by most of modern editors and it is possible to
> find big free image libraries in PNG. So maybe this format can be used
> as prefered. But I dont know can lazarus use png images or this is
> unimplemented?

TBitmap is used for many Glyphs properties of the LCL and it supports
only .bmp and .xpm. 
We can either extend TBitmap for a new format or change some Glyph
properties to a new "TGlyphBitmap", which supports more formats.

.bmp Contra: does not support mask.
.xpm Pro: has mask, Contra: requires windows users to download 10-12mb
gimp+gtk and does not support alpha
.png Pro: has alpha, Contra: not supported by TBitmap
.ico Pro: has mask and several sizes, Contra: TIcon is not complete and
has several sizes
.svg Pro: has alpha, scalable, can be very compact, Contra: has no
reader/writer yet

Because alpha is not supported by all widgetsets, .xpm is currently
the favourite.

> GG> * What are the standard sizes for the IDE images? For example the
> GG> menu images are *not* consistent in size at all!!  Looking at
> GG> most images I came to the following conclusions.
> GG>   Palette Bar (component) images:  23x23
> Should be 24x24 to be compatiable with delphi and thus to prevent
> component developers of rebuilding their images (made for delphi).

Making it bigger is easy.

> GG>   Menu images:  16x16
> GG>   Button images (next to palette bar): 16x16
> GG>   Treeview images (CodeExplorer): 16x16
> GG>   Property Editors/Designer images: 16x16
> GG>   ... are there any other images I missed?

Maybe source editor marks.

> GG> * Howmany glyphs are supposed to be in each image file?
> GG>   single image:
> GG>       Palette Bar (component) images
> GG>       Treeview images  (CodeExplorer)
> GG>   two images (enabled and disabled):
> GG>       Menu images
> GG>       Button images (next to palette bar)
> GG>       Property Editors/Designer images
> GG> General Suggestions:
> GG> * Can we standardise the same actions with the same images. For
> GG> example: Why is the Save menu item got a different image to the
> GG> Save button on the Palette Bar (next to components)?
> I had today same minds.
> Maybe we can create:
>  - one imagelist 16x16
>  - one imagelist 24x24
>  - one imagelist ...
> And then define somewhere constants with imageindexes. This also
> should help lazarus to eat less memory and gdi resources (at least
> soon when our TImageList become native).


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