> Please tell us about  XUL.  I'd love to hear about it.

I have very little experience with XUL, but it seems like it would fit
this bill.  From the web page
http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/The_Joy_of_XUL :

"XUL (pronounced "zool") is Mozilla's XML-based user interface language
that lets you build feature rich cross-platform applications that can
run connected to or disconnected from the Internet. These applications
are easily customized with alternative text, graphics, and layout so
they can be readily branded or localized for various markets. Web
developers already familiar with Dynamic HTML (DHTML) will learn XUL
quickly and can start building applications right away."

Thunderbird and Sunbird are built on XUL (if you're not familiar with
these applications, they are the email and calendar clients based on the
mozilla engine).  A number of other applications have been built using XUL.

I think the biggest draw is that anyone interested can easily build
their own extensions, just as in Mozilla, either a simple javascript
link or a full blown application built on top of or in place of the
existing app.

I think this has the basis for solving a lot of the problems mentioned
in this thread.

Just my .02 worth.
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