i found the list in 92 I think, just after the t-shirts. was a revelation, and 
the arguments, christ, they were great and very very funny (take note some of 
ye bitter folk). blimey, even the woodmansey era was entertaining compared 
with, erm,.. you know. Adelphi memories are mostly drunken ones I'm very 
pleased to say. If I drank that amount of Grolsch today it'd kill me. 20 years 
on I still have the odd opinion.
one thing that will always stick in my mind is when we had a post match meet on 
the pub at bottom of Low Briggate (f*** knows what it was called - left hand 
side under the railway arches) - anyway, the Noggie who was there with his 
geisha-dressed Japanese missus, as he said, ah, ze reverend. As surreality goes 
it was up there? Who was that man - VERY red haired, I mean traffic light 
Da Rev (old skool)
From: John Boocock IFA <john.booc...@internetfootball.org.uk>
To: "leedslist@gn.apc.org" <leedslist@gn.apc.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, 28 March 2012, 9:43
Subject: [LU] MOALM the Villa debacle

On 28/03/2012 06:53, Graham White wrote:
> surprised no one has mentioned TMOALM yet

Who besides, me, our Dave, Rog, John Lee and Graham was at the MOALM and is 
still on the list?

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PETE CASS (1962 - 2011) Rest In Peace Mate
Leedslist mailing list
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PETE CASS (1962 - 2011) Rest In Peace Mate

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