A very astute observation. What ratio can apportioned to luck and / or good
management is questionable although I think luck took the lion's share. The
main thing is that TC learns from this - we may learn more about this if
Roofe and Cibicki start next game.  He does appear to favour the Grot kid
who for me has done next to nothing so far in spite of his structure and
frame. He  may be a prospect and a work in progress but I haven't seen much
to suggest it. 





Thinking about yesterdays game (and watching highlights) it got me wondering

whether TC was just lucky and without that we would not have won

IF Ekuban had not got injured we would have kept the same eleven who were 

average to say the least first half

Then if Grot had not been missing through injury (as far as we know) he

most likely have come on in a straight swap for Ekuban - it was these

that led to Roofe going up front (the only place he is ever really

and to Cibicki getting a place on the bench and then on the pitch

Roofe then gets a hat trick with the second being laid on a plate by Cibicki


So good fortune , good management or a mixture of the two ?



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