Ah yes, 1972 showboating against the already defeated Southampton - I
remember it well and look it up from time to time. The good old days....

   The point here is that LU did not play this style by default and put on a
"Little exhibition for fun" let's say, when the game was all but over.  

   Any side that employs this style ends up very quickly as being boring and
predictable albeit with the ball most of the time and perhaps with a high
percentage of wins.


   Is that the combo we all really want? Let alone having the players do it?


   That is why I cite teams like Bayern who can play this way but are also
seen using blood and thunder / Roy of the Rovers tactics as well. 


   Beggars can't be choosers and we'll take anything (I suppose) to get
"Back to where we need to be" (Don't you hate that over-used insipid


   I stick with my guns in saying Spain / Barcelona are dull to watch with
their self - imposed defaqto short passing game. I suppose it's a matter of

   deciding if you go to matches to be entertained or just to see your team
win with the only style they know and no plan B.  I expect the Nation would
erupt if England   win the competition, but overall  entertainment just
outweighs that for me. 


  Did anyone find England's mauling of Panama entertaining when compared
with Germany's last gasp winner against Sweden as a one on one comparison?
No competition in my   book. 


















   And your (and many others in England) "Can't be doing with" is the

   reason England haven't won a major trophy for 52 years and Spain have

   won three in the last 10 years.

   As the German coach of the time put it after their semi final defeat in

   2008, death by a thousand passes. Simply awesome in my view and one

   unerring truth in football is that the opposition cannot score if they

   do not have the ball.

   If only the hapless club team of our affections could string 6 passes

   together what a joy that would be to behold.

   Southampton 1972 anyone?



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