If you have something like Adobe Photoshop Elements you can open your
PDF's there and it will extract the photos for you. Do it one PDF at a time.

The other way (depending on the size of your photos) is to open the PDF
as usual. Depending on your PDF reader there may be a camera icon in the
menu that allows you to take a screenshot of the photo. You'd want to be
able to do that at full size, of course.

It depends what software is available to you but,no, you can't edit a
photo inside a PDF. Not in the way you mean, anyway.

And no, you shouldn't be editing JPG's. It's a compressed format and
every time you edit and re-save you'll lose picture quality. Your photos
should be in TIFF to begin with but that's not always possible.
JL Beeken
JLog - simple computer technology for genealogists

On 1/18/2013 1:35 PM, Barbara wrote:
> Hopefully you don't think this is off topic.
> Two questions about pdf saved photos:
> 1.  Is there a way to edit pdf saved pictures?
>   2. If not is there a way to change pdf saved pictures into jpeg so
> they can be edited?
> I'm learning, and have saved several phots in pdf and have not been able
> to work with them.  Maybe I've learned a lesson and should save all of
> them in jpeg.
> Awaiting your thoughts and expertise.
> Barb
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