Use LegacyStories. Org to record your stories and connect pictures and stories 
together then use the internet link to attach them to LFT.   Legacy stories is 
free for 500 pix. and the stories can also be linked to FamilySearch.  There is 
a mobile app.  It take 7 minutes to learn all you need to use it.  You will 
love it and is solves the probem.

Gordon Talor

From: LegacyUserGroup <> on behalf of <>
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2017 6:51:27 AM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Media Relinking

Does anyone not use Legacy Family Tree for media?  The media backup and Media 
Relinker are unreliable and I’m considering not using the software for 
recording media any more.  Yesterday I found out that the backups that I 
religiously did were not including masses of documents and media.  In the mail 
archives I found a comment by Richard Wasshnova that Legacy adds a considerable 
number of characters to the path of a given medium.  Although I have used a 
little utility called TLPD to search out any paths that are too long, it seems 
my effort has been for naught.

In addition to asking whether anyone uses Legacy Family Tree only for data and 
not media, I’m very curious now to learn how other people are naming their 
documents to avoid the path too long problem.

Many thanks,
Priscilla Glasow

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