
>> instead of CC-By-SA, and in which case? What determines which actions
>> are permitted, and which are not, and which license's rights are
>> stronger?
> Each license covers the material that it covers.
>> mountain tops - so it's not just 'tiles from and ODbL map'), it would
>> have to create ODbL's Derivative Database, which conflicts with
>> CC-By-SA imposing CC-By-SA on an Adaptation. And as the product _is_
>> CC-By-SA, you can't say it does not apply...
> BY-SA doesn't cover databases though (any potential changes in 4.0
> notwithstanding).
Saying so doesn't make any part of CC-By-SA licensed material
uncovered by the license. It might not be designed for databases, but
it doesn't mean a database is not an Adaptation.

> ODbL is still a comparatively new license and it is reasonable to have
> questions about it. I would recommend going to the people who wrote it and
> asking them directly, which you can do on the odc-dicuss list:
> http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/odc-discuss
One list a day ;)

Tadeusz Knapik

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