ML Update
A CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine
Vol.-5; No.-12; 20-3-2002


Has the worst been averted, at least for the time being? As Gujarat
continues to burn and VHP hooligans storm the Orissa Assembly, it is really
difficult to say. On March 13, when a three-judge bench of the Supreme Court
ruled out any kind of religious ceremony, 'symbolic' or otherwise, on any
part of the Ayodhya land currently acquired by the Central Government, the
entire nation did heave a sigh of relief. After all, just a week ago, the
same Supreme Court had sentenced Arundhati Roy to a day's imprisonment and a
fine of Rs. 2,000 for on a most ridiculous charge. But for once the Court
seemed to remember the humiliation that was heaped upon it by the Sangh
Parivar on December 6, 1992 and it decided to take no chances this time
around. This is however only an interim order and a full five-judge bench of
the Supreme Court is slated to 'interpret' the Court's existing judgement
within the next ten weeks.

While the Supreme Court has partially redeemed itself with the interim order
of 13 March, what the government did on the same day, and equally crucially
two days later, has left no room for any ambiguity on its role and intent.
Attorney General Soli Sorabjee - he should now be renamed 'Shila' Sorabjee -
virtually pleaded with the Supreme Court to allow a symbolic three-hour-long
'shila pujan' on the acquired land. And now the government would like us to
believe that Mr. Sorabjee was only expressing his 'individual' opinion and
not the considered view of the Government which he represents in the domain
of law! Two days later, the Prime Minister sent his personal representative,
who is also the incharge of the Ayodhya cell in the Prime Minister's Office,
to receive the shilas from Mahant Ramchandra Das.

Is it not a most glaring violation of whatever meaning the term 'secular
republic' mentioned in the Preamble to the Constitution supposed to convey?
And what now remains of the government's claims that Ayodhya is part of only
the VHP's agenda while the NDA government is guided exclusively by its own
National Agenda of Governance which has nothing to do with the construction
of Ram Mandir at Ayodhya? Meanwhile, reports have it that the Faizabad
Commissioner Mr. Anil Gupta has proceeded on indefinite leave after
Ramchandra Das refused to hand over the shilas to him as being a 'bania' he
was likely to sell off the shilas! The real content of the so-called
'religion' behind Ayodhya has thus also been laid bare once again.

What message do we take from last week's developments on Ayodhya? Once the
Supreme Court chose to assert itself and once it was made clear that the
Vajpayee government would have to uphold the letter of the Court's order
(the spirit of the order has clearly been violated), there was not one sadhu
or member of the VHP or Bajrang Dal who was prepared to die for the 'cause'
of Ram Mandir. The limits of 'faith' have been exposed. The truth is now out
that fanaticism flourishes not so much on the soil of faith as on the
foundation of governmental inaction and connivance. It is also equally clear
that however much the BJP and other outfits of the Sangh Parivar may detest
the mini-mandate of the people announced in February, and however deep and
real may be the communal fascist penetration of state institutions, an
awakened public opinion still carries great weight and influence in India.
The people still have the last word, and the bottomline about the people is:
you cannot fool all the people for all the time!

The BJP is desperate to take the country back to the 'stone' age, with
politics and governance literally revolving around shila pujan and shila
daan and worship of all sorts of ossified ideas. But the country and the
people clearly have other priorities and we must make politics reflect and
articulate these real priorities. Defence of national unity and communal
harmony, reversal of the neo-liberal economic policies which are ruining the

country's economy and depriving the toiling masses of minimum access to
livelihood, are the paramount priorities of the people. And these priorities
converge at the compelling demand that the blood-stained tenure of the
communal fascist and pro-imperialist Vajpayee government must be ended as
soon as possible.


CPI(ML) welcomed the Supreme Court verdict prohibiting any kind of religious
ceremony in any part of the land held by the Central Government at Ayodhya
and asked the Central Government to make sure that the SC verdict is not
allowed to be violated on the ground.

Party Gen. Secy. Com. Dipankar Bhattacharya said: it is instructive to note
that the Vajpayee government which claims that construction of Ram temple at
Ayodhya is not on its so-called national agenda had actually appealed to the
Court to allow a 'symbolic puja' from 2-15 PM to 5-15 PM. The lie of the BJP
has thus been completely exposed and if the non-BJP partners of NDA still
continue to be part of the coalition they will do so only at their own

The Sangh Parivar has an ugly track record of telling lies to the nation and
shelving the Constitution and Court orders in pursuit of its sinister
sectarian agenda. While welcoming the Supreme Court's order, democratic and
secular citizens of the country must therefore never slacken their vigil.
On 15 March, Com. Dipankar expressed satisfaction over the fact that Sangh
Parivar and the Central Govt. had to bow to the secular democratic opinion
of the Indian people and abide by the SC's interim order. He said: "However,
the involvement of the PMO representative in receiving the pillars of the
proposed temple once again betrayed the Government's role as the real
architect of the temple construction campaign of the VHP."

"Coming close on the heels of the plea made by the Attorney General Mr Soli
Sorabjee before the Supreme Court, the PMO's direct involvement in the
"Shiladaan" ceremony once again contradicted the ruling alliance NDA's claim
that Ayodhya is not part of its agenda."


Speaking at the mammoth mass meeting held at Gandhi Maidan, following the
historical "Loktantra Bachao" (Save Democracy) rally in Patna on 14 March,
Party General Secretary Com. Dipankar Bhattacharya said that the Vajpayee
Govt. is a great danger to the national unity, democracy and secularism and
so he called upon the people to overthrow the Vajpayee Govt. He also
announced the Party's plan to launch a "National Unity Campaign" on 4-10
May, 2002. Coming to Bihar, Com. Dipankar termed Laloo Prasad as a great
villain of economic wretchedness and criminalisation of politics in Bihar.

The rally was called against communal frenzy and violence as well as the
mafia-police raj well-entrenched in Bihar. Attended by more than a lakh
people, this was the most massive rally so far held by CPI(ML) attended by
poor and toiling people of Bihar. The streets which the rally passed through
turned into red sea fluttering With this well disciplined rally that seemed
well capable of launching political resistance, CPI(ML) made known its
growing strength.

Com. Dipankar Bhattacharya said that lakhs of people with red flags in their
hands participating in this historic "Loktantra Bachao" rally are giving a
message to the whole country that they will hesitate to no sacrifice to
ensure peace against frenzy and democracy against fascism. If Ram temple is
to be built in Ayodhya on the pile of corpses, it would certainly hurt the
sentiments of all religious people and in that case would become a symbol of
shame, he said. He said that the country will never pardon these saffron
traitors who have, acting as Bush's agent, waged war on Muslims. Terming the
Gujarat massacre as "state-sponsored political violence" and demanding
ouster of Narendra Modi Govt., he said that the people of the country should
come forward to provide relief and arrange for rehabilitation of the
riot-affected families. He announced Rs. 1 lakh to be sent by the rally to
Gujarat victims.

Coming to Bihar he said that Laloo Prasad has made a retreat from his
starting point, opposition to Congress and betrayed the trust of poor
people. Banking as he is on the collaboration of feudal forces and on the
muscles of mafia and criminals, he cannot wage a powerful struggle against
saffron forces. The flag of social justice and secularism in Bihar is red,
and not green, yellow or blue.
Com. Ashok Manohar, General Secretary of Lal Nishan Party (Leninist) also
addressed the rally. Others who addressed the rally included Com. Akhilendra
Pratap Singh, Secy. UP State Committee, Mahendra Singh, MLA Jharkhand, Com.
Ram Naresh Ram, leader of Party Legislature group in Bihar, Saroj Chaube,
ex-M.P. Rameshwar Prasad, MLAs Com. Rajaram Singh and Mahboob Alam. It was
presided over by Party's Bihar State Secy. Com. Ramjatan Sharma Com. Prabhat
Kumar greeted the participants. Those who were in the van of the rally
include PB members Com. Swadesh Bhattacharya, DP Buxi, Kartik Pal and Nand
Kishor Prasad. A magnificent "Loktantra Bachao" rath was marching ahead of
the rally, and the agitators were shouting "Stop Mandir politics!", "Stop
killing in the name of Ram", "Down with the police-goonda raj", "We'll build
a new Bihar", etc.


1. This meeting strongly condemns the advocacy by the Union Govt. in Supreme
Court for allowing VHP to perform "bhumi puja" at the acquired land in
Ayodhya. Even by its earlier records, the govt. stands accused for
mortgaging national sovereignty to USA, pushing the country's economy to the
brink of disaster, saffronising the education and strangulating democracy by
imposing black laws like POTO. Due to all this, the BJP has suffered
miserable defeat in the recently held elections in four states. However, far
from drawing lessons from the disaster, the govt has gone ahead to introduce
anti-people rail and general budgets, to preside over the genocide in
Gujarat, to table POTO in Parliament and most of all, to mislead the public
in siding with the VHP. The meeting pledges to intensify the mass movement
to overthrow this regime that has become a grave danger to the independence,
democracy and secularism of our country.

2. While welcoming the interim decision of the Supreme Court on Ayodhya,
this meeting strongly condemns the comments by Sangh Parivar and Shiv Sena
disdaining the decision from a communal fascist angle. It calls upon the
people of the country to remain vigilant of attempts to fan up frenzy on the
part of these communal gangs on 15 March or thereafter and to foil these
attempts at all costs and maintain peace and harmony.

3. This meeting holds Modi Govt. of Gujarat directly responsible for the
Sabarmati Express massacre in Godhra and subsequent murder and loot campaign
perpetrated in Gujarat on the pretext of Godhra; and demands immediate
removal of this government for the sake of restoring peace and harmony in
Gujarat. The VHP and the Bajrang Dal must be banned forthwith and their
leaders be severely punished.

Apart from putting pressure on the Centre and the Gujarat State governments
to provide relief to tens of thousands of people who have been rendered
homeless by the riots and are sheltered in the camps, and to make
arrangements for their rehabilitation, the meeting appeals to all to come
forward to extend the victims all sorts of support.

4. In Bihar, incidents of abduction, murder, rape and massacre are on a
steady increase. Massacres from Miyapur to Sheikhpura, murders like that of
the CPI(M) leader Ramnath Mahato to that of DFO of Shahabad Range Sanjay
Singh, abduction and killing of Golu in Muzaffarpur, are a few evidences to
this phenomenon. Not only that the govt. is utterly callous towards these
incidents, even a number of its ministers and leaders are themselves
involved in these evil deeds. The state police is neck-deep in connivance
with the criminals and gangleaders who have perpetrated these incidents, and

it opts to fire indiscriminately on the agitators and kill political
activists in false encounters. The killing of students during the firing on
agitators protesting increase in tuition fee in Bhagalpur and the killing of
five persons at Bara village in Arwal PS of Jahanabad bear testimony to
this. This meeting renews its pledge to do away with this precarious
situation and build a new Bihar and calls upon all the genuine forces
involved in the struggle for building a new left democratic alternative to
get united and intensify the movement.

5. So much time has lapsed since the panchayat elections, yet till date no
due powers have been transferred to the panchayats. On the contrary, the
nexus of bureaucracy, corrupt leaders and mafia is bent on rendering all
their powers ineffective. Village pradhans and block pramukhs are being
humiliated by the govt. officials and even being killed in some cases. In
order to ensure effective decentralisation of power and stop the loot of
development fund by the nexus of bureaucracy, corrupt leaders and mafia,
this meeting demands allocation of due power to the village panchayats,
ensuring supervision, participation and control of the people over the
planning and implementation of rural development. The meeting calls upon the
people to turn village panchayats into a platform of mass struggles aimed at
securing their due constitutional right. This apart, the meeting also calls
upon the people to intensify movement for minimum wages, introducing
thoroughgoing land reforms, effective check on the private armies and to
ensure the assertion of the poor and betterment of the overall situation in


Implementing the Party's call to protest the massacres perpetrated by
saffron goons and demanding the sacking of Narendra Modi Govt. and
resignation from Advani, a protest rally was held on 9 March at Kakinada
district of Andhra Pradesh, in which around 250 people participated. CPI(M)
also joined the protest. The protest march was led by Party Central
Committee members Com. N Murthy and B Bangara Rao, and Com. V Surya Rao of
CPI(M). In Vissannapeta mandal of Krishna district, around 100 people
participated in a march led by Com. D Harinath, and in Payakaraopeta, more
than 100 people took part in the march led by Com. S Prakash and Com. Raju.


Participating in the forthcoming municipal elections in Delhi, Party has
pledged to the voters to struggle for a Delhi master plan that puts common
man at the focus. It opposes shifting or closing down of industries without
proper alternative arrangement, privatization of public transport and Delhi
Vidyut Board, as well as Centre's attempts to close down Super Bazar.
CPI(ML) candidates are : Sudha Gupta (w) from Mandawali, Surender Panchal
from Narela, Shikha Bhardwaj (w) from Bhagwanpur Khera, VKS Gautam from
Shakarpur and Madhunisha (w) from Kondali.


Against communal violence in Gujarat and Sangha Parivar's sinister design on
Ayodhya, under the patronage of Vajpayee Govt., protest day was observed on
March 9 throughout West Bengal. The main programme "Anti Riot Meeting" was
performed at Barasat on the eve of RYA state conference participated by 500
party activist and sympathisers from Kolkata, North and South 24-Paraganas,
Howrah, Hooghly. It was addressed by Party General Secretary Dipankar
Bhattacharya, State Secretary Kartick Par, National President Lal Bahadur
Singh and WB President Jayatu Deshmukh of RYA.

Rallies were taken out at Siliguri, Mainaguri, Coochbehar, Nabadwip,
Ranaghat, Dhubulia, Bethuadahari, Raiganj, Chopran, Bahrampur, Purbasthali,
Rampurhat, Bolpur and Mahisadal. Effigy of Vajpayee, Advani and Modi were
burnt. Protest demonstrations were held at Jadavpur, Behala and Hazra areas
of Kolkata.

A worker rally was organised at Bhadreswar in Hooghly district, participated
in by workers from jute and engineering factories. It covered a long route
in the industrial area and appealed for communal harmony.

On March 12, a 500-strong rally started from Subodh Mallick Sq., Esplanade,
which after covering many sensitive areas, finally ended at Park Circus
ground. Our party and seven other left organisations had called the rally

On March 15, a sit in demonstration was held at College Square. It was
organised by RYA, AISA and Gana Sanskriti Parisad, in which a number of
eminent left intellectuals took part.
Women's Day Observed in W.B.

On 8 March, International Women's Day was observed in Kolkata at Bowbazar,
where AIPWA organised a meeting. Speakers including Mina Pal, AIPWA state
secretary Chaitali Sen and leaders like Malina Bakshi, Archana Ghatak
attacked communal violence and central Budget. It was presided by AIPWA
state president Gita Das. Similar meeting took place Bardhaman town.


A state-level convention was organised by Tamil Nadu unit of AIPWA at
Madurai on March 8. Around 150 members participated in the convention. The
theme of the convention was "Women's opposition to globalisation and
communal fascism". Com. Porkody, AIPWA organiser of Madurai presided over
the programme. Com. Kaliyammal, an elected member of block panchayat and
wife of martyr Com. Subbu also participated. Com. Balasundaram, State Party
Secretary addressed to the convention as a guest. Com. Nirmala, president of
Tamil Nadu Govt. Village Nurse Association, Rani, State Secy. of NFTE,
Rajani, a Dalit Women's Movement, Thulasi of AIPWA and Com. Mani Raj,
Madurai Distt. Secy of AICCTU, also participated in the seminar. Mary, State
Organiser of AIPWA concluded that the women must launch the struggle for
their equal rights, dignity and employment and thus counter globalisation
and communal fascism. A 12-point demand charter including 33% reservation,
opposition to POTO, ban on VHP and Bajrang Dal etc. was also adopted.


Nearly 100 people participated in a protest outside the Indian High
Commission in London on 11 March, demanding dismissal of Narendra Modi Govt.
' and ousting VHP from Ayodhya. The picket was organised by South Asia
Solidarity Group and 'Asian Women Unite!' (an umbrella group of Asian women'
s organisations in Britain) and attended by members and supporters of SASG,
Newham Asian Women's Project, Southall Black Sisters, Newham Monitoring
Project, the Asha Project, National Civil Rights Movement, and students and
teachers from SOAS, LSE and University College London.

Despite police attempts to keep the agitators penned in well away from the
High Commission, they moved up to the main entrance of India House and
remained there for about an hour. The demonstrators shouted slogans and held
placards including 'Narendra Modi - Resign!' 'BJP-VHP-Bajrang Dal -RSS
Murderers' 'Murderers off the Streets, Fascists, out of Government'. The
picket continued for more than 2 hours despite pouring rain. A petition from
nine organisations working with Asian communities in Britain including
Indians of all faiths has been sent to the President of India. Those who
signed it included Prafula Vadgama, Simi Woodwal, Suresh Grover, Anjum Mouj,
Asad Rehman, Mukhtar Rana, Iqbal Singh, Amrit Wilson, Hanana Siddiqui.


Preceding the EU summit in Barcelona of Spain, around 100,000 European
workers marched through the streets of the city on March 14. Workers from
Spain, France, Italy, Belgium, Portugal and Britain and elsewhere called for
a Europe with full employment and greater labour and social rights -- a
"Social Europe". Some twenty street demonstrations took place during the
summit, and this was the first. The protest was called by the Confederation
of European Trade Unions, with representatives from across the 15-member
body, but apart from trade unions it was also participated in by
organisations belonging to Social Forum and Campaign against Europe of
Capital. Along with communists, Greens and the opponents of globalisation,
there were Catalan (northwestern Spain, the region in which Barcelona lies)
and Basque nationalists as well. Nevertheless the march was dominated by the
red flags of Spanish and French left-wing trade unions. Prior to the summit,
several thousand people also joined a demonstration called by the Barcelona
Social Forum, which has united around 50 political parties, trade unions and
protest groups.

The final march that took place on 16 March, the day the EU summit ended,
surpassed all the past records and all expectations of anti-globalisation
demonstrations. Joined by around 5 lakh people (300,000 according to BBC),
it surpassed the Genoa demonstration in strength. However, more than the
number its composition was of particular significance, as it was dominated
by working class. This historic assertion of the European working class was
indeed a fitting rebuff to the post-September offensive of imperialist

The marchers denounce the EU summit as a sell-out to U.S.-run global
capitalism. In order to compete with USA, European Union leaders agreed to
liberalise electricity and gas markets, to raise the retirement age and to
increase job mobility. Speakers at the rally said that the European leaders
put business interests ahead of concern for the millions of the world's poor
who die of starvation each year.

On 16 March, the Police used rubber bullets, tear gas and baton charges to
disperse the protesters. There were injuries and arrests as well. There were
also skirmishes with protesters. Authorities had also rounded up busloads of
would-be demonstrators from around Europe and the Basque region of northern
Spain to deter them from entering Barcelona, and thousands of people had
been barred from crossing the border from France. It goes to the credit of
workers' determination that braving all these barriers the largest
mobilisation could be made possible.




4-10 MAY, 2002


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