ML Update
A CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine
Vol.-5; No.-13; 27-3-2002


For the past five months that the contemptible ordinance POTO has been in
force, the country has witnessed countless demonstrations nationwide against
this black statute. But the government simply turned a deaf ear to the vox
populi. From the day one a minority community was made the target of this
obnoxious weapon, and soon the "Maoists" were brought within its range.
Malicious intentions of the Government were thus clear from the very
beginning and if there was any trace of ambiguity left, the clamping of POTO
selectively on "suspected perpetrators" of Godhra carnage but not on those
responsible for the genocide in Ahmedabad and elsewhere in Gujarat against
the minority community finally clarified it. Whom then Mr. Advani was trying
to dupe by pleading in the Rajya Sabha that at least the bona fides of the
government should not be questioned?

There were no takers in the Rajya Sabha for Advani's plea and the bill got
defeated there. Although subsequently the government pushed through the bill
in the joint session extraordinaire of Parliament held on 26 March, debate
and the consequent voting proved that the lawmakers were clearly divided,
reflecting the divided will of the country on this questionable piece of
legislation. In fact the government further exposed its vulnerability to the
pressures both from Sangh Parivar as well as from the USA, when it stuck to
the fascist preference of arming itself with such a Draconian law on the
basis of a so broadly divided polity. Notwithstanding the tall claims of Mr
Vajpayee, he reiterated in his brief speech his commitment to the Sangh
Parivar, and almost all the defenders of the bill brazenly bore witness to
the fact that there was a mounting external pressure to frame such a law.

Not only this precedence does not augur well for the already fragile
democracy we have in this country, it strongly confirms our apprehensions
that the law will be utilised by the powers that be against their political
adversaries and especially the movements of the dissatisfied downtrodden
strata of the society. For it is quite clear from the recent budget exercise
as well as from the daily pronouncements of various ministries that the
government is bent on steamrolling the reform process and the workers,
peasants, unemployed youth, even middle class who are finding themselves at
the receiving end will soon be left with no choice but to fight back. There
should be not the least doubt nurtured regarding the fact that the
government which has taken no lessons from its resounding defeat in the
recently held assembly elections will be willing to do anything to curb
these movements so as to please the domestic moneybags and foreign

No sane person would contest the fact that the country is facing the menace
of terrorism. And we do acknowledge the fact that the spread of terrorism is
detrimental to the cause of popular movements. We have witnessed terrorist
attacks on Parliament and Jammu & Kashmir Assembly. But we have also
witnessed terrorist attacks in Ayodhya and Orissa Assembly. We have also
witnessed terrorism in Ahmedabad, where the number of persons belonging to
the minority community killed by Hindutwa terrorists surpassed the number of
people died during Kargil conflict. But the BJP-led government is selective
in identifying a terrorist. Secondly, the experience of our own country, for
example in Punjab, proves that terrorism can be rooted out only with popular
support. But the government has closed its door to the option of winning
over the people and has instead chosen to try strong arm tactics. This
course will only serve to fuel terrorism, it can never extinguish the fire.

And that is why this government has proved itself to be the most destructive
regime since independence. It is indeed a terror-producing and terrorising
government. And the hidden agenda of the government is to quell the mass
movements that are bound to raise their head against its anti-people
policies. Well, the people of this country cannot be fooled for long. They
have read through your designs, Mr Vajpayee. And be sure, a terrorising
government cannot and will not be allowed to last long.


On March 19, Com. Tapan Chakravarty, member of Party's West Bengal State
Committee and Secretary of Darjeeling District Committee succumbed to the
injuries received in an accident on March 15 while returning from a protest
procession held in Siliguri against 'shila pujan'. He was 56.

Com. Tapan joined left politics since his student days in the '60s and was
Secretary of Hooghly District BPSF (CPM's student wing). Around Naxalbari
uprising he was a member of Tribeni-Magra Zonal Committee of CPI(M) in
Hooghly District. After joining CPI(ML) he worked in Durgapur-Raniganj
industrial area. He played an important role in building the Party in West
Bengal during the setback period, particularly following Com. Charu
Mazumdar's martyrdom. In 1977 he was sent to North Bengal area and was
inducted in the reorganised Central Committee as an alternate member. Along
with Com. Vinod Mishra, he was one of the six comrades encircled by police
at Barpathu Jote village adjacent to Siliguri. He was arrested there while
trying to save other comrades from police firing. Returning from jail, he
resumed work in Darjeeling. He was well versed in painstaking work of
organising peasants and tea-workers there and had founded "Tarai Struggling
Tea Workers Union" of which, he was acting president till last.

Party CC deeply condoles the demise of this veteran comrade and shares the
grief with his family members. Let Com. Tapan's memory inspire us forever!


Soon as Vajpayee government announced its decision to go for a joint session
of Parliament to push through POTO bill following its defeat in the Rajya
Sabha, CPI(ML) Central Committee decided to observe Mach 26 as "Anti-POTO
Campaign Day". On this day, marches and demonstrations were organised by the
Party in all important centres and at several places effigies of POTO, the
Prime Minister and the Home Minister were also burnt.

In Delhi, CPI(ML) State Committee staged a "March to Parliament" to launch
protest against the Central Govt.'s condemnable move to hold the joint
session of Parliament to get an already discredited POTO passed by hook or
by crook. Hundreds of marchers were stopped by the police at Parliament
Street where a mass meeting was held and effigies of Vajpayee and Advani
were burnt. Marchers were led by Party's CC member Swapan Mukherjee and
Delhi State Secretary Rajendra Pratholi. Speakers at the meeting held that
POTO was but a step to legalise fascist acts being pursued by the BJP-led
govt. and it should be resisted by all the forces in the interest of peace,
harmony and integrity of the nation. Speakers also included Delhi state
committee members VKS Gautam, Sunita, Rajiv Dimri, Santosh Rai and AISA
National President Kavita Krishnan.

In Kolkata, a march was taken out from Subodh Mullick square to Esplanade
East, where a meeting was held. The march was led by Party State Committee
Secretary Kartik Pal and other state leaders. An effigy of Advani was also
burnt there. In Bhilai town of Chhattisgarh, a demonstration was held under
the leadership of Central Committee member Com. Rajaram and others. The
agitators tried to burn an effigy of POTO-Vajpayee, but police forcibly
snatched it away.


A 3-member team of Peoples' Union of Human Rights,  consisting of Pranay
Krishna, ex-President JNUSU, Shubhra Nagalia, AIPWA leader of U.P. and Arun
Khote toured Gujarat from 19 to 25 March on a fact-finding mission into the
recent spate of violence. According to their findings, even after 20 days of
state-sponsored violence in the aftermath of Godhara killings which has
claimed more than 2000 lives in Gujarat, uprooted minorities are too scared
to come back home. The terror still persists and despite the fact that the
scale of violence at present seems low, the continuous minority bashing by
the ruling party, threats being issued to the people running relief camps,
the chief minister attending VHP programmes and sustained efforts at
engineering riots in those minority dominated areas which remained peaceful
during the worst days of violence, the situation can worsen any day.

The team witnessed that the recruitment of the VHP cadres in the police at
the level of constables and inspectors, bulk recruitment of VHP and Bajrang
Dal cadres in Homeguards, Police Sahayaks and Gram Suraksha Dal has reached
a point where these forces take orders directly from the political bosses
belonging to VHP/BD and the police bureaucracy fails to command them.

Even after the genocide, the team observed, the police now refuses to write
named FIRs against activists and leaders of the ruling party and Sangh
outfits and threatens people of dire consequences if they insist. The whole
exercise of whitewashing the crime and destroying the evidences is on at a
large level. While combined and unnamed FIRs are being registered for the
entire area where the minorities have suffered, individual and named FIRs
are entertained in the cases of losses suffered by the majority community so
that statistical parity of the losses can be established.
In Ahmedabad, the extent of terror is such that despite a Congress-man at
the mayor's post, he cannot dare to disburse

even that paltry sum at his disposal to the victims. Even an attempt by
Congress to organise a meeting to muster relief at a posh hotel in Ahmedabad
had to be shelved after the organisers were threatened of mob violence, a
few days back. The relief camps are mostly run by the minority institutions
or group of individuals with the help of a few NGOs, no help is coming from
rest of the country since the looting and burning of vehicles, buses and
trucks belonging to the minority community is still on.


CPI(ML) has welcomed the timely intervention of the NHRC into the gross
human rights violation in the state of Gujarat. NHRC Chairman, Justice JS
Verma has criticized the Narendra Modi government for inaction and the gross
inefficacy of the police department in failing to either maintain law and
order or containing the violence. Demanding a "comprehensive report" on the
issue within 4 or 5 days from the Gujarat government, he has stressed on
"restoration of peace and harmony" in the State, and a "fair, impartial and
thorough inquiry" needs to be conducted into the development and it ought to
be seen that "no distinction between victims on the basis of religion" is


"What the National Human Rights Commission chief, JS Verma, has to say after
a visit to the riot hit areas of Gujarat constitutes a stern rebuke to the
State administration ... it also amounts to a stinging rebuff to the
official claim that normality was restored within 72 hours. Telling indeed
is Mr Verma's testimony that three weeks after the gruesome episode he found
a pervasive "sense of insecurity" and "fear psychosis" still haunting the
people affected by the communal rage, and this surely cannot add up to the
'normality'. Rebuffed by him is not merely the discredited Narendra Modi
regime... The snub he has delivered is as much to the Centre which has had
little compunction in giving a clean chit to Mr Modi.... There has been a
pile of credible evidence to suggest that behind the so-called 'inaction'
and 'ineptitude' on the part of the administration was, in most cases, a
sinister design aimed at serving the partisan cause to which the political
establishment is committed. Nothing else can explain the stark reality that
saffron brigades and their associates had a free run for two full days and
more, going on a spree of barbaric revenge under the very nose of -- and
sometimes with support from -- the guardians of law." (Hindu, 27 March,


Bhagat Singh's 71st martyrdom day makes us re-live the vision of nationalism
that revolutionaries like him had laid down their lives for. The narrow,
chauvinistic Hindutva code of nationalistic conduct calls for the posing of
revolutionary offensive and at this critical juncture of Indian history,
what better metaphor of resistance could we have than the ideals of a
visionary like Bhagat Singh! The communal cultural onslaught is eating away
at the very secular, democratic edifice of the nation-state and the Gujarat
carnage is only an incident in the chain of violence perpetrated and
perpetuated by the 'Hindu rashtra' bandwagon from its very inception in the
pre-independence years. Forces like the VHP, RSS and Bajrang Dal need to be
outlawed as other religious fundamentalist organizations are so that their
nuisance value in propagating rabid ideologies can be curbed. The Indian
youth has to re-define its role and aim at fostering the spirit of creative
cohesion through a secular democratic offensive in the lines of what Bhagat
Singh practised and preached.

Dissatisfied with Gandhian ideology, Bhagat Singh in his formative years
groped for revolutionary alternatives. Being an avid student of the European
revolutionary movement, Bhagat Singh found intellectual mooring in the
teachings of Marx and Lenin at a later phase of his life and this is what
that transformed him from the political position of revolutionary terrorism
to Marxism. He argued for a "radical change" in society and felt that it was
"the duty of those who realize it to reorganize society on the socialistic
basis" and for it, the "establishment of the dictatorship of the
proletariat" is necessary (ed. Shiv Verma, Selected Writings of Shaheed
Bhagat Singh, New Delhi, 1986, p.74-75). In quite lucid terms, he had
defined what revolution is.

"By revolution, we mean that the present order of things, which is based on
manifest injustice must change. The peasant who grows corn for all, starves
with his family; the weaver who supplies the world market with textile
fabrics, has not enough to cover his own and his children's bodies; masons,
smiths, and carpenters who raise magnificent palaces, live like pariahs in
the slums. The capitalist and exploiters, the parasites of society, squander
millions on their whims". [Quoted from a joint statement made by Bhagat
Singh and B.K.Dutt in connection to the Assembly Bomb case on 6th June
It is this comprehensive vision of struggle that defines Bhagat Singh's
polemics of revolution and change. Fired with the zeal for a radical
alternative, where there any limits to his courage and fearlessness to forge
ahead tirelessly to fulfil the role what history demanded of him!

If there any lessons to be drawn from history, if there is any need for a
critical evaluation of our own roles, we have to re-orient and re-align
ourselves to the demands of the times we live in. With the draconian laws
like POTO the democratic space suffers further constriction. The structural
adjustment programme and the second generation reforms have led to a total
capitulation of the state in the hands of transnational finance capital -
the fall-out effects of which could be seen in the suicide of farmers in the
states of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, or in the rapid close-down and sell
offs of the PSUs or in the informalisation of the organized industrial
sector. An interesting parallel of this can be found in the biographical
history of Bhagat Singh himself. The HSRA action and the consequent
Parliament bombing on 8th April, 1929, when discussion on the Trades
Disputes Bill was on, was a planned action of protest against the repressive
measures of the British government. "It takes a loud voice to make the deaf
hear," said Bhagat Singh quoting the words of a French Anarchist martyr
Valliant uttered on a similar occasion to justify the action of HSRA. On
behalf of the suffering millions Bhagat Singh in a pamphlet to the nation
wrote before the Parliament bombing: "We want to emphasize the lesson often
repeated by history that it is easy to kill individuals but you cannot kill
ideas. Great empires have crumbled while ideas have survived. The Bourbons
and the Czars fell, while revolutions marched triumphantly over their heads.
Long Live Revolution."

The logic of communalism and cultural nationalism is a natural counterpart
to globalisation and the economic subservience to market forces. With this
new kind of colonization that is taking place, is it not time to wage
another struggle for independence? And what are the weapons in our arsenal
to fight back this neo onslaught of global capital? For a peoples' offensive
against transnational finance capital and its cultural logic of communal
vendetta, what better metaphor of revolutionary resistance can we have from
our own history than the teachings of Saheed Bhagat Singh?


RYA organised a seminar on Bhagat Singh's martyrdom day, March 23 at
Ramasray Park in Kanpur on the theme "Bhagat Singh and Communalism". Main
speaker Com. Lal Bahadur Singh, Gen. Secy. of RYA asserted that in order to
end the menace of communalism Bhagat Singh's ideas of developing class
consciousness and separation of politics from religion are very much
relevant today. The seminar was also addressed by veteran left leaders Shiv
Kumar Mishra and Anant Ram Vajpayee, and Party and mass organisations
leaders including Vijay, Hari Singh, Shivani Verma, Prabha Dixit, Vidya
Rajwar, etc.

In Lucknow, the martyrdom day was observed by Nirman Mazdoor Union and RYA
jointly on March 24. It was devoted to the theme "Challenges of foreign
domination and communalism: Bhagat Singh's legacy". Apart from Lal Bahadur,
Jan Sanskriti Manch Gen. Secy. Ajay Singh and several Party leaders attended

RYA and AISA observed March 16 as statewide protest day against the sad
demise of 23 youth during army recruitment test. A dharna was staged in
front of UP Assembly to demand high level judicial probe into the incident
and proper ex-gratia compensation to the families of the deceased.


On March 14, during the budget session of the Assam Assembly, AISA and RYA
jointly organized a militant dharna in front of Assam Assembly on demands
related to education, employment and development. Around 300 students and
youth from different districts of the state gathered at Ganeshguri Chari Ali
near Janata Bhawan, Guwahati and marched towards the Assembly with red
placards in hands, shouting slogans. Defying police cordon they crossed the
last gate of Dispur and shouted slogans there. They demanded free
distribution of text books to the students, filling up the vacant posts in
different government departments, withdrawal of anti-people budget,
withdrawal of anti people reform committee report. Later they were arrested
by police.

Protest demonstration was held in different parts of Assam mainly in
Guwahati, (on 9th March) Tinsukia (11th) and Borgang (9th March) demanding
ouster of Gujarat Govt., imposing ban on VHP and punishment to culprits of
Gujarat riot. Memoranda to the President of India were sent through
respective Deputy Commissioner of the said districts.
Dharna in Bhilai


On 9 March a dharna was staged by CPI(ML) at Bhilai Power House, Ambedkar
Chowk defying Sec.144 and a memorandum was sent to the President of India.
On 14 March, a dharna was staged by AICCTU at Boria Gate of Bhilai Steel
Plant protesting anti-labour policies.


A fact-finding team led by Com. Prem Singh, incharge Haryana Party unit
visited Loharu town of Bhiwani district where mosques and houses of Muslims
were burnt by the Hindutwa brigade. The team found that the police and
administration had connived with the rioters and consequently Muslims who
had fled have not yet returned. The team demanded that Surendra Jain, leader
of Bajrang Dal who had led the attack and justified the act later publicly,
must be brought to the book and the guilty officials should also be


Around 2 million Italians streamed into Rome on 23 March responding the
union leaders' calls to protest Silvio Berlusconi's government's reform that
would make it easier to fire workers. Central Rome was blocked off to all
traffic and there was a heavy police presence as more than 900 buses and 60
trains had brought members of Italy's largest union, the Communist led the
CGIL, to the capital. Anti-globalisation protesters too mingled with the
unionist and non-unionist marchers. The boulevard lining the river Tiber was
a sea of red caps and swirling red flags as the demonstrators marched.
Although the recent killing of a Govt. advisor Biagi by militants had
heightened social and political tension, the marchers while condemning
terrorism fearlessly rose to defend their rights.


Hundreds of peasants with Brazil's Landless Workers Movement invaded a farm
owned by President Fernando Henrique Cardoso's family on 23 March seeking
land, credit and agrarian reform.
Calling it an act of terrorism, the government ordered army troops to the
site to help federal police at the Corrego da Ponte farm in Minas Gerais
state Federal police have surrounded the property but the occupiers resisted
the attempt to shift them by force. The families have brought enough food
with them to last for a month. They said that they occupied the farm after
the authorities refused to discuss demands to be given other areas of land
and to have electricity and water connected to existing landless
settlements. The movement advocates the occupation of unused farmland for
poor rural workers in this country of 170 million people, where a handful of
rich own the vast majority of arable land.


Protesting against the International Conference on Financing for Development
held in the northern Mexican city of Monterrey, the demonstration held on 25
March drew protesters angry about everything from globalization to local
land disputes. They carried signs reading "Go Home Yankees," and "Die Puppet
Leaders. A student wearing an Uncle Sam mask, who gave his name only as
Marcos, said that if there is violence "it will be because the government
has provoked it, not the protesters." Mexico sent 3,500 soldiers and police
to Monterrey to protect the conference from anti-globalisation protesters.

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