> Defeat Sharon's insane war driveDefeat Sharon's Insane War Drive
> The Palestinian people are facing a barbaric war waged by the Sharon-Peres
>  government with full approval and support by the greatest terrorist
>  organization on earth, the United Stated of America. The war against the
>  Palestinian Authority is aimed against the Palestinian popular uprising, and
>  at the same time it seeks to derail the class struggle of the workers class
>  in Israel into an orgy of nationalist death and destruction.
>  In this difficult hour we are calling for the unconditional defense of the
>  Palestinian people and the PA, including Arafat, against the Zionist
>  criminal aggression.  Our defense is not conditioned on the political
>  character of the PA and its actions. We are calling the Palestinians, the
>  Arab popular masses and the international working class and militant youth
>  in Europe and America to mobilize themselves immediately against the ethnic
>  cleansing operations of the IDF. We are calling on the Jewish workers in
>  this country to oppose and fight back Sharon's insanity, which is
>  endangering the existence of the Jewish workers and poor. 
> We are calling on Jews everywhere to mobilize themselves against the insanity
>  of the Zionists. This criminal government is the source of a new and most
>  dangerous worldwide wave of anti-Semitism. In order to overcome it, is
>  absolutely necessary for the Jewish workers to break from Zionism. Israel is
>  a very sick Apartheid state on the death raw. In its dying stage it
>  generates only destruction, insanity and death. The road of survival for the
>  Jewish workers is to unite with their Palestinian brothers and sisters in
>  the struggle to end occupation, for the right of return of all Palestinian
>  refugees and for a united, secular, democratic and socialist Republic of
>  Palestine. 
> It is a Zionist-Imperialist lie that Israel is defending itself against the
>  Palestinians, in reality Sharon is acting according to a plan. He wants a
>  regional war in order to drive many Palestinians out of their homes in the
>  West Bank and Gaza. On March 29, at the end of the Arab summit in Beirut,
>  the Lebanese minister of foreign affairs, the Saudi foreign minister prince
>  Saud al-Faisal and the secretary general of the Arab League, Amr Moussa,
>  triumphantly told the world that a "just and comprehensive peace is a
>  strategic option for the Arab states." This  "initiative" which called on
>  Israel to pull out from the Occupied Territories, gave Israel control over
>  82% of the historical land of Palestine, cleared of the refugees expelled by
>  Israel in 1948 and 1967. The Arab rulers' support or Partition in Palestine
>  is an open betrayal of the right of the self-determination of the
>  Palestinians people, especially of the right of return of the four million
>  refugees, motivated by their fear of social explosion among the Arab masses.
>  It of course received the enthusiastic support of the petty-bourgeois and
>  pro-imperialist Israeli "left," which misleads the Jewish masses into
>  believing that it is possible to have "peace" (i.e. a peaceful control of
>  the Arab markets and workers) between the Zionist state and its neighboring
>  Arab states in the framework of the imperialist Pax Americana.
> Were Israel a state seeking peace with its Arab neighbors, it would have
>  grabbed this offer with both hands. However the Israeli prime minister Ariel
>  Sharon rejected the initiative, claiming that the complete Israeli
>  withdrawal from the Occupied Territories will result in the destruction of
>  Israel. On Sunday, in a less than five-minute-long speech, which made 14
>  mentions of the word "terrorism," Sharon who seemed deranged, told the
>  Israeli television: "The chairman of the Palestinian Authority is the enemy
>  of Israel and the entire free world." The Arab League's appeals to the US to
>  save the stability in the Middle East have also fallen on deaf ears, as Bush
>  has declared in the face of Israel move to reoccupy the West Bank and Gaza
>  that "Israel has the right to defend itself." This rejection exposes the
>  fact truth that imperialism and its Zionist outpost do not have any
>  "peaceful" solution to the crisis. Imperialism attempts to overcome the
>  growing world crisis using brutal and naked force and demanding total
>  submission. 
> In spite of the U.N. Security Council resolution calling for an Israeli
>  pullback, the Israeli tanks besieged Ramallah including Arafat's
>  headquarters. The Israeli soldiers are shouting over loudspeakers for Arafat
>  and his entourage to "come out with their hands up." So far Arafat has
>  refused to surrender, preferring to die as a Shayd  (Martyr). But while
>  Arafat would like to see himself as a modern Saladin, as late as March 30 he
>  continued to appeal to the imperialist world leaders for help from a dark,
>  windowless room, as Israeli troops tightened the siege of his compound and
>  stormed his office buildings. He brings to mind the Chilean president
>  Salvador Allende, who blocked the socialist revolution, only in order to die
>  later as a martyr in the hands of more efficient instruments of the local
>  bourgeoisie and imperialism. 
> Elsewhere in Ramallah, Israeli soldiers using megaphones ordered all men aged
>  16 to 45 to report to detention centers. "In an office building in downtown
>  Ramallah, five Palestinian policemen were found shot in the head or neck at
>  close range," with a pattern of bloodstains on the walls that suggested they
>  were murdered in cold blood rather than killed in a "close-quarter
>  firefight" as the Israeli army claims. By Sunday evening, Israeli tanks were
>  on the move again, thundering into Qalqiliya, on the edges of the West Bank,
>  while maintaining their stranglehold on Ramallah. Other tanks and armored
>  vehicles are massed in the Bethlehem area on their way to sow death and
>  destruction.  
> While Sharon is sending the Israeli army to reoccupy the West Bank and Gaza,
>  Israel Foreign Minister Shimon Peres said on Sunday that Israel did not plan
>  to physically harm Arafat. He further said that "to do so could spark a
>  regional war," as his government did not work to provoke such a war. This
>  has been all along the division of labor between the right and the left wing
>  Zionists, both in the same government of crime. The right wing ignites the
>  fire while the left wing Zionists provides the smoke screen. Peres of course
>  blamed Arafat for Sharon's crimes: "General Zinni came. He made a ceasefire
>  proposal. We accepted it and even kept it for a week. Arafat had to do the
>  same thing and he again made a very big mistake, when instead of accepting
>  Zinni's proposals he made counter-proposals." In reality, Arafat accepted
>  the Saudi plan while Sharon's government rejected it.
> The Socialist Workers League has condemned many times the terrorist attacks
>  against civilian population, which have also resulted in the killing of
>  several Palestinians and only help the Zionists and their criminal masters
>  in the White House. Sharon's government has consciously provoked these
>  criminal indiscriminate acts of terror against the civilian population
>  inside the Green Line because it needs them in order to justify its plans to
>  destroy the PA and provoke a regional war. When the US declared that it
>  delays the war against Iraq or Iran to the summer and the Saudis came out
>  with their "peace" plan, Sharon decided to push for an immediate war to save
>  his government that was losing rapidly public support. Israel is in deep
>  economic crisis and the working class struggle became sharper until a few
>  weeks ago. Sharon desperately needs to derail the class struggle into a
>  nationalist regional war.
> Unless the masses of the Middle East come to Arafat's defense against the
>  Zionists, this may be the end of his government in parts of the West Bank
>  and Gaza Strip. Rabin agreed to it in return for Arafat's commitment to
>  suppress the Palestinian national aspirations. Sharon is destroying the PA
>  not because Arafat is a terrorist, but because with the outbreak of the
>  present uprising he began to act in a Bonapartist way, since he came under
>  double pressure from the Imperialists and the Zionists on the one hand and
>  from the Palestinian masses on the other. Acting under cross fire he is not
>  able to suppress the Palestinians' desire to be free of the Zionist
>  occupation of their country. Because he is not an effective enough tool for
>  the interests of the Zionists and the imperialists, Sharon is planning to
>  occupy the West Bank and Gaza, remove the PA, divide the land and find lower
>  grade collaborators for the Zionist rule over the Palestinians.
> The puppet Arab rulers who pined their hopes on Sharon, believing that he
>  will destroy the Palestinian uprising, have began to realize lately that
>  Sharon not only is unable to put down the Intifada, but that he is likely to
>  ignite a regional uprising that will bring down their own corrupt regimes.
>  The masses in many countries-most importantly in Egypt, Jordan, and
>  Syria-are taking to the streets. To save themselves, the rulers of these
>  countries are threatening Israel with diplomatic sanctions. They may very
>  well find that it is too late for these diplomatic games.
> The role of the Zionist left of Peace Now, Meretz, and Gush Shalom of Uri
>  Avneri, as well as Hadash (the Communist-Party-led electoral coalition), who
>  have preached to the Palestinian masses to accept imperialist rule and the
>  Bantustan mini-state as the only realistic solution, is becoming more
>  transparent with every passing day. This was quite clear in the Day of the
>  Land, where the leaders of Hadash and the Arab leadership in Israel
>  sabotaged the mobilization and tried its best to split the mass action into
>  small controllable demonstrations. In this they acted openly in the service
>  of the imperialists and the Zionists, who are afraid that the Palestinians
>  in Israel will play a more active part in support of the struggle of their
>  sisters and brothers in the West Bank and Gaza.
> The imperialists and the Zionists are preparing a new slaughter against the
>  Palestinians as well as against the Iraqi or Iranian masses. In that war,
>  the interest of the masses is the military defeat of imperialism and its
>  allies. The insane Sharon is planning to use the war to carry out a mass
>  ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, thus risking not only the lives of
>  innocent Arabs but also of the Jewish masses. The Zionist state is a death
>  trap and can turn into the new "final solution" for the Jews.
>  The only way out of the imperialist-Zionist inferno is a socialist
>  revolution that will unite the masses against the imperialists and their
>  local servants-especially against the Zionist state. It is now only a
>  question of time before the masses of the Middle East will strike back. What
>  is required is to build a working class revolutionary leadership in order to
>  win the struggle against the imperialists, the Zionist and the Arab
>  collaborators. This revolutionary leadership will come only through the
>  struggle to rebuild the Fourth International in the fire of the struggles of
>  the working class and the masses.
> We call on the organizations of the left and the workers in Israel to
>  organize an immediate huge demonstration of Jews and Palestinians against
>  the insane war drive of the government. We call on the Israeli soldiers to
>  refuse to take part in this butchery and organize themselves against it. We
>  call on the workers and left organizations of the Middle East and the world,
>  and especially those who see themselves as revolutionary socialists to
>  mobilize the masses of their own countries against the Israeli government
>  and in defense of the Palestinian uprising. 
> ·        Down with the Israeli government of war criminals!
> ·      The Israeli Army and settlers out of the Occupied Territories now!
> ·        Defend Arafat without any political illusions in the PA that
>  represents the interests of the Palestinian capitalists.
> ·        Mobilize the masses of the Middle East and the world, including the
>  Jewish workers, against the Imperialist and Zionist crimes.
> ·        For a Secular, Democratic and Socialist Republic in the whole
>  territory of historic Palestine within the framework of a Socialist
>  Federation of the Middle East!
> Monday, April 1st 2002
> Socialist Workers League
> Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - www.geocities.com/swl_p - P.O.Box 8753, Jerusalem,
>  91087  

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