[CPI(ML) News Magazine , ML Update, Editorial]
 (Vol.5;No.14; 3-4-2002)

Down with the US-aided Israeli terrorism against the Palestinian leadership

Yasser Arafat, the poster child of national liberation in the latter part of
the 20th century and presently the head of state of Palestine, is now
personally under siege. He is being held incommunicado without water and
electricity in his own headquarters in Ramallah, West Bank, surrounded by
booming Israeli tanks. The occupation army of the Israeli aggressors has
been issued orders to "neutralize" him. Arafat, the moderate voice of
Palestinian resistance all along, is heroically defying death and refusing
to surrender. Meanwhile, scores of protesting Palestinians are being
butchered everyday by the Israeli Army on the streets.

Israel has made no secret of its plans to strangulate the nascent
Palestinian Authority and throw back the peace process by decades. But they
know they can't do it as long as Arafat is around. Hence, exploiting a few
bomb attacks by hardliners, they are bombarding the headquarters of the
Palestinian leadership. This is terrorism par excellence, perpetrated
cynically in the name of "war against terror".

Trying to decapitate the leadership of another state has so far remained a
US privilege. Remember what they tried to do to Gaddafi and Saddam. Now,
under their able guidance, the Israeli hawks are out to do the same, defying
worldwide condemnation. The UN Security Council has called for an immediate
withdrawal of Israeli troops. Even the EU has condemned the siege. The
entire world community, except one nation, the USA, has reacted with
outrage. In fact, the Arab Summit, held in Beirut last week, even went to
the extent of formally endorsing the Saudi peace plan of Arab recognition of
Israel in return for peaceful settlement of the Palestinian dispute and
return of their occupied lands. This is a historic step forward. Yet, Israel
only reacted to it with its own plan of "neutralizing" Arafat and destroying
the Palestinian gains of a decade and a half since the Intifida of the
1980s. As only to be expected, George Bush condemned only the suicide
bombings while maintaining a studied silence on the Israeli bombardment in
Ramallah. And everyone knows that Israel acts with such brazenness only
because it enjoys the US blessings. The media in the US has brought out the
fact that the US administration was informed about the bombardment of
Arafat's HQ well in advance by the Israelis.
It is a matter of shame that India officially expressed only a mild "shock"
and that too much belatedly. Ever since the Saffron-Zionist bonhomie began,
the Indian foreign policy seems to have lost the backbone to forthrightly
condemn blatant provocations to world peace and arrogant challenges to a
just international order.

The liberal conscience in the West has pinned its hopes on intervention by
the USA. But whenever the US reined in Israel in the past it was the fear of
an Arab or Soviet backlash. However, in the post-Cold War, and especially in
the post-S11 world, the "war against terrorism" everywhere is being directed
from the situations room in the White House. Hence only the pressure of
popular protests can sober up the monsters a bit. To be sure, the storms of
protests have already gathered momentum around the world, notably in the US

Bush and Sharon are incapable of realizing that sending in the army is no
way to stop the young Palestinians from turning into suicide bombers.
Incursions of Israeli ground troops has only increased the incidence of
suicide bombings - five incidents in as many days. Absolute power seems to
have blinded them absolutely. The only weapons the mighty imperialists and
reactionaries lack in their arsenal are common sense and reason. No matter
whether they let Arafat come out alive or not from the present siege, there
can be no doubt that they have already buried Israel's security for years to
come. The questions are simple: After Arafat what? Who, and in what numbers,
are they going to kill to end the suicide bombings? But then, the imperial
madness has always remained inexplicable in history. How nicely Mao Tse-tung
put it when he said that the imperialists and reactionaries lift a big stone
only to drop it on their own feet!

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