Please read this, it's kinda informative but scary...
P-Luck of the Red And Black Flag Collective in Montreal []

Steps the RCMP are taking to "crush dissent" in Kananaskis. 

posted by Jordan Thornton 

The intent of this post is not to intimidate. If anything, I think this 
should make the desire to attend the G8 Summit to protest corruption even 
more powerful. 

More importantly, we need to know what we're up against. 

I heard this from a girl whose husband is in the RCMP, and an old friend who 
is a Mountie backed it up. 

In Regina, Saskatchewan, the RCMP is currently conducting full-time readiness 
training in riot control tactics, in preparation for the G8 Summit. 

The Mounties are being trained to rush the crowd as a whole, then to split 
into groups of thirty, and splinter the protest into smaller, easier to 
handle units. 

The cops at the head of the crowd are solely to do the arrests. They will be 
armed with tazers, pepper spray, and extra long batons. These batons not only 
extend the reach of the police, but also add greater momentum to their 
swings. (On camera, they said, you will not be able to tell how much extra 
force is behind the baton strikes. Nice PR victory for the RCMP ... Yippee.) 

Behind them, will be a line of Mounties armed with high powered and extremely 
accurate rubber pellets. 

*** WEAR A CAN!!! *** 

The RCMP shooters are being trained to aim for the groin. Please wear 
protection, as these pellets sail through the air with much of the same 
momentum as real bullets. 

Every time the cops gain any substantial ground, they will fire tear gas 
cannisters further ahead, in order to break up more of the crowd, and gain 
more ground. Wear your masks... 

A number was not given, but some of the Mounties behind the police line will 
be armed with machine guns. At two or three points, fifty calibre heavy 
machine emplacements will be set up. 

During the Summit, all RCMP officers are on call. No vacation days or days 
off for the duration. 

Also, the air space will be closed for ten days (nine?), and CF-18's and 
helicopters will be a common sight. 

And we haven't even done anything yet! 
And if you live in Canada, this is what your tax dollars are doing. No saving 
healthcare, no social programs ... "Crush the Rebellion!!!!" 

What happened to the proud Mountie tradition? The legendary Mounties like Sam 
Steele, who was known for his composure in stressful situations, famous for 
his lack of firearms? 

Is this the world we want to live in? 

For $hame ... 

Keep it peaceful, and come prepared. If I learn anything more, I'll be sure 
to pass it along.

       ****** The A-Infos News Service ******
      News about and of interest to anarchists

Macdonald Stainsby

"They are all Enron, we are all Argentina"
    --WEF protesters.
In the contradiction lies the hope.
                                     --Bertholt Brecht

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