Note by Hunterbear:

Officials in North Dakota are now much more responsive -- thanks to a very
great many of you!  E-mails and good thoughts work out.

But first: The horseback and vehicular search for Russ Turcotte -- the 19
year old Turtle Mountain Chippewa  missing since July in the general Grand
Forks, North Dakota region -- is set for the weekend of  October 19 and 20.
It's being managed by Tim Miller's Texas EquuSearch Mounted Search and
Recovery from Houston [a not-for-profit volunteer group].  There are various
forms of assistance needed by the Search that local and broadly regional
sources could provide.  These needs are indicated on this website page of
This is a special page devoted to the whole Russ Turcotte situation and it's
updated very frequently.

Very early on indeed, we began posting on the [still unsolved] September
2001 murders of three Turtle Mountain Chippewa men at Grand Forks -- and
then the tragic Forks disappearance in July of Russ Turcotte of the same
tribe.  The small city of Grand Forks is not in good shape in any sense --
having never really recovered from the massive April '97 Flood.  Its city
officials were not responsive to our concerns regarding these matters and
North Dakota Governor John Hoeven's office was friendly but vague.
This last September 28, I posted very widely an extensive Appeal which
focused on Russ Turcotte's disappearance and the forthcoming Search and, of
course, brought in the whole matter of the three unsolved Native murders.  I
asked that people e-mail concerns to the Mayor of Grand Forks and the Gov's
office -- and a whole lot of people did just that.

Couple of days ago, I received an encouraging letter from the Gov's
office -- indicating great concern about Russ' disappearance and indicating
it would be in fast touch with Grand Forks.  It did just that.  And today,
from several Turcotte family members, came these indications of a much
changed attitude in the Forks:

Good Morning Hunter,  [from Ms. Flo Turcotte]

I wanted to send this information on to you so would be updated. It seems
that the efforts of Everyone has made an impact. Without a doubt in my
mind, you and your family's generous efforts have assisted our family in
achieving this step in our search process.  If there is anything at all
that I can do to reciprocate, all you have to do is ask.

Until we talk again,

Flo  [Turcotte]

And from Ms. Tammy Miller:

Boozhoo Hunter,
Here is an email I've just received from my Aunt in Houston.  I am
forwarding it to you to keep you in the loop of things.  Thank you a million


Hello Family,  [from Ms. Maggie Heagy]

I just talked to Tim Miller. He spoke with the police in Grand Forks
yesterday. They received a call from the Governor's office and was "asked"
to give us whatever we need to conduct this search. (I do believe everyone
writing their letters really had an impact!) They will be providing TWO
search center's. Police will be present to assist. They are looking into
opening up the fairground so there will be accomodations for the horses.
Tim thinks this will become very large and may even get national attention.
Thanks everyone! Yahoo!!


We'll certainly keep you all posted.

In Solidarity / Nialetch

Hunter Gray  [Hunterbear]
Protected by NaŽshdoŽiŽbaŽiŽ
and Ohkwari'

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