International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic
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As ICDSM Delegation Prepares to Embark for The Hague...
Yugoslav Upper House Votes to Bring Slobodan Home!
14 November 2002

Based on Article 77 Paragraph 1 and Article 78 points 4 and 5 of the 
Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the Federal Parliament, 
in the session of the Chamber of Republics [that is, the Upper House - ed.] 
on November 13, 2002, adopts the following: 

* Declaration on the Release of Slobodan Milosevic to be Cured in Yugoslavia *

1. The Chamber demands from the Federal Government to carry out all necessary 
measures in order to enable Slobodan Milosevic to return to his country for 
medical treatment; 

2. The Chamber demands from the Federal Government to urgently submit 
appropriate guarantees to the Hague Tribunal in order to make possible 
Slobodan Milosevic's continued legal defense, carried out in freedom, after 
his successfully- concluded medical treatment; 

3. The Chamber demands from the Federal Government, in order to secure the 
human rights of Slobodan Milosevic, to carry out all measures at its disposal 
for the protection of Slobodan Milosevic as a person accused by the Hague 

4. This Declaration shall be published in the "Official Gazette of Federal 
Republic of Yugoslavia."

Footnotes & Further Reading Follow the Appeal

Now is the Time! 
Help the ICDSM Get our Delegation to The Hague!

Events are moving very fast. Today The Hague Tribunal ordered that Slobodan 
Milosevic, former President of both Yugoslavia and Serbia, undergo 
psychiatric examinations. 

This is an insult to him and to the people of Yugoslavia. Given the 
intelligence and sustained concentration and dignity with which Mr. Milosevic 
has solidly defeated an avalanche of liars, this order for psychiatric 
evaluation is simply absurd. 

Clearly the Tribunal wishes to find some basis, any basis, to forbid Slobodan 
Milosevic the basic human right to conduct his own defense. Apparently they 
hope that some psychiatrist will declare Mr. Milosevic unfit to represent 
himself. Hague official Florence Hartmann suggested yesterday that Mr. 
Milosevic could be moved to some outside facility while they continue these 
proceedings in his absence.

The ICDSM needs to send a delegation including our attorney, Tiphaine 
Dickson, as soon as possible to The Hague. That delegation will reach the 
international media and directly interact with The Tribunal. 

In order to send that delegation *we need your help.* 

If you were thinking of making a donation, now is the time! Now, when The 
Tribunal is denying Mr. Milosevic proper health care in order to pressure him 
to appoint substitute counsel we need to get our delegation to The Hague.

For we represent the other side. 

We actually believe Slobodan Milosevic is innocent. The charges against him 
and the Serbian people are based on a campaign of lies. We have the facts. 
Milosevic has all the facts and that is why they want so desperately to 
replace him.

We believe Slobodan Milosevic is 100% right not to appoint a lawyer to 
represent him before the Tribunal. *Not even a lawyer who claims to support 


Because it is Mr. Milosevic who led Serbia and Yugoslavia during the period 
under discussion. Because no lawyer on earth can - or will dare - to stand up 
to this NATO-controlled Tribunal as Mr. Milosevic has done, to tell the truth 
without fear of consequence or career. There is no lawyer who can demonstrate 
by his very demeanor, that the Serbs are innocent and it is NATO, which 
attacked Yugoslavia with bombs and lies and by instigating racial hatred, 
which is guilty. 

Slobodan Milosevic is the national leader who stood up to NATO. It is a 
terrible blow for this Tribunal, NATO's Tribunal, that they have been 
defeated by him, day after day, since the trial began in February. 

That is why in the proceedings this past Monday, the three Judges presented 
every argument to convince Mr. Milosevic to let some lawyer - any lawyer - 
replace him, or partly replace him, or sit with him in court, or take some 
step, any step to lessen his direct impact. To lessen his impact today and to 
lessen the impact of the transcripts of these proceedings which stand as 
permanent proof that Milosevic told the truth and NATO lied about the Serbs.

In order to get our delegation to The Hague we need your financial help. 
Slobodan Milosevic is making a great impact. We are making an impact too and 
with your help, with your help we can do a hundred times more to assist him, 
to defend the truth.

** Here's How to Make a Donation **

* Make a donation at our secure server. Go to 
You can use VISA, MasterCard or Discover

Donate by credit card over the phone. Call us at: 
ICDSM, USA 1 617 916-1705 
Freedom Association, Belgrade 381 11 3282491 or 381 638 862 301 

Donate using PayPal. Go to
PayPal accepts VISA and MasterCard

Send us a check at: 
831 Beacon St., #295 
Newton Centre, MA 02459 (USA) 

Make a donation by wire. For instructions, go to 

Thank you!


Footnotes and Further Reading

1) On 15 July 2002 ICTY 'Judge' Richard May summarized the findings of the 
*non-specialist* physicians who were, finally, permitted to examine Slobodan 
Milosevic. Note that the ICDSM and others, including Yugoslav physicians, had 
many times requested that *cardiologists* be permitted to examine the former 
Yugoslav President, but this urgent request had been denied without 

Here are 'Judge' May's own words during the session of the so-called trail on 
the 25th:

“…We have received a report, a medical report, which in its conclusion 
describes the accused as a man with severe cardiovascular risk which demands 
careful future monitoring. The authors recommend that his workload be 

As the German Nobel Prize winning physicians noted in their open letter to 
The Hague, since Judge May made this statement, the ICTY has done exactly the 

2) What can be the motivation of The Hague Tribunal in doing exactly the 
opposite of what their own doctors have recommended regarding Mr. Milosevic's 
health? It does not take a brain surgeon to figure it out.

Originally, the "trial" was to be broadcast on TV worldwide, but when the 
'tribunal' realized that Milosevic was winning (he had the unfair advantage 
of truth) the broadcasting was drastically curtailed in February and then 
virtually stopped. 

His statements and arguments are seldom if ever quoted in the press. Thus, 
there has been an obvious effort to silence him. But their problem is - he 
has not been silenced. And they know this record, the transcripts of these 
proceedings, cannot be erased. More and more people will read them and learn 
that they were lied to.

Therefore, The Tribunal has essentially instigated this health crisis, by 
refusing to act on 'Judge" May's own July 25th report of the findings of The 
Tribunal's own doctors. (1) The idea is to silence Mr. Milosevic by any means 
necessary. To replace him with some attorney or, failing that, to have him 
suffer a heart attack or stroke, which they will describe as ' most 

--- Jared Israel for the ICDSM


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