I want to very much thank Comrade Vadim Stolz for this extremely kind and
warm personal note.  My family and I are impressed -- and most appreciative.
Rest assured that the "old man with the Tartar eyes"  --   is indeed in
excellent company in our Native home.  And he always will be.

Our very best -

Fraternally - Hunter Gray [Hunterbear]

 At Saturday, 30 November 2002, you wrote:

>Note by Hunterbear:
>Well, try not to bite yourself unless you're absolutely sure you've
>your yearly shot from the vet. Check your tags.
>Hunter [Hunterbear]
>>From Michael Pugliese:
>Twas was my sneaky way of drawing attn. to your membership on that list
>where unapologetic fans of Milosevic (signers of the ICDSM petition to
>freeing Slobodan Milosevic, on the L_I list, Macdonald, Nestor Gorojovsky
>even gone to Belgrade to interview that murdering schmuck), Mugabe
and the
>agit-prop of the North Korean KCNA hold court! Have you ever taken
a stand
>against ethnic cleansing that occurs outside the USA? No one here
>disagrees that Native Americans and African-Americans, your two primary
>causes have been subject to near genocidal oppression. Extend that
>and activism outside the shores of the USA. Polemcized with the
>there or on marxmail? Or just on your more bizarre stands like defending
>   On Lenin and Leninism...what does that tradition have to teach
>socialists? The below from Telos a few yrs. ago.

This Pugliese sounds exactly like an imperialist hack of the anticommunist
variety.  Thank you,  Comrade Hunterbear, for exposing this man on L-I.

BTW, we really enjoyed your post on Lenin under the old family tomahawk
looking at across the room at a photo of Frank Little. We are absolutely

confident that Vladimir Ilyich enjoys the company of his roommates
in the
Lair of Hunterbear.


Vadim Stolz,

PS. In case Comrade Hunterbear needs a reference, we possess all
55 volumes
of the fifth Russian edition of Lenin's Works, with both index volumes.

Hunter Gray  [Hunterbear]
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