To Sam Friedman -- sociologist, activist, poet and writer:

Thanks very much indeed, Sam, for your [as always] fine piece of social
justice/social protest poetry -- to the North Dakota Gov and AG -- with
respect to the still unsolved murders of the now four Turtle Mountain
Chippewa men in North Dakota.  I have published your piece [which I'm also
sending to several other lists with this reply] on our website page devoted
exclusively to that on-going and sanguinary and brutally tragic situation.

These messages to North Dakota are absolutely critical.

We also now have a developing page in its own right devoted to racism here
in this general Pocatello, Idaho region:

Once again, communications to North Dakota urging vigorous official action
to apprehend the killers and prevent further murders of Natives continue to
be urgently needed.  Contact officials are:

The two officials are:     Honorable John Hoeven, Governor

                                         Honorable Wayne Stenehjem, Attorney

>From Sam Friedman to the North Dakota officials on December 9, 2002:

In the recent past, a number of Chippewa have been killed North Dakota
without their killers having been arrested.  These include Russell Turcotte,
and (earlier) Jerome DeCoteau and Robert and Damian Belgarde.

Please make sure that justice is done!

I would like to share with you this poem which I have written about this

       No racists infest the north country

Swiftly, they must have acted,
swiftly, they must have slain,
when killing the three, the Turtle Mountain three,
Jerome DeCoteau, and the Belgardes,
the father and the son.

Swiftly, they must have acted,
swiftly, they must have slain,
when they struck at the teenage boxer,
Russell Turcotte,
Russell Turcotte, growing swiftly, growing well,
a Chippewa to be proud of,
slain swiftly,
slain swiftly, swiftly, swiftly,
by killers who understood
the passing of time.

Only the cops crawled,
crawled like sun-dazed turtles,
cops creeping like glaciers,
icy, dazed, and slow.

Yours sincerely,
Sam Friedman

Fraternally / In Solidarity

Hunter Gray  [Hunterbear]  Micmac / St Francis Abenaki / St Regis Mohawk
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