On Mon, 2021-01-11 at 13:31 +0100, coolnodje wrote:
> Anyway, good tip to redirect stdout, should be standard.
> Makes the output much more readable even though still quite long in
> this
> case: stderr: https://pastebin.com/204fpTzi

Hmmm, using cross-tools not prefixed with host triplet means the PATH
is not set correctly (it finds something in /usr/bin instead of
$LFS/tools/bin). The explanation might be below...

> Stdout is more than 512k so not pastable as-is on pastebin. Will have
> to
> find a trick if it is needed.

Not needed yet.

> On a side note, I realise the `.bashrc` for account lfs had a full
> path
> instead of the limited one intended.

Actually, you should check, by typing "env", that all the environment
is set as show on 4.4 Setting up the environment.
/mnt/lfs/tools/bin should be first in the PATH.

> Moreover, and this is something I can't figure out yet, I get kicked
> out
> with a Stopped process when I try to `su - lfs`.

This used to be a bug in bash. What is the output of bash --version?
IIRC, you can just type ^C (keys control and C) and get the prompt (or
^D, not sure).

> `su lfs` works fine though.

But does not do what is expected for the book.

> I never had that before on linux. SSH with lfs user on the machine
> work
> though. So I'm confused if the login shell has a problem or not.
> `.bashrc` is not the cause, it is read and processed correctly.

Except for PATH (at least), if I understand correctly what you wrote.

Another way to reach the correct environment is to type "source
.bash_profile" once you are logged in as the lfs user (from memory



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