On 02/08/2012 17:59, Quiliro Ordóñez wrote:
Perhaps a separate page describing the position of Debian and why it is not convenient from the position of the FSF is in order for this topic. The Manchester FAQ page or any other page on Libre Planet is not the place to promote the position of Debian according to the LibrePlanet code of conduct unless it changes.
I agree with you, And Manchester pages/links are clear and fully compliant with what I said (they clearly explain pov diffs instead of polemic or promote one against another). sadly http://libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:Manchester was not given in post I quoted first -- or I missed it: it was another link which mistaked me :)
[EOT] for me on Deb/FSF topic

I think your other comments (which I didn't cite here) are very valuable and I consider that each topic you cover should be placed in a separate wiki page to allow for the collaboration of ideas from others. Your ideas prove to be good seeds to make great initiatives follow and grow. This thread is not a fertile place to make that happen and will deviate discussion from the topic of this thread. Please consider that.
[Thread forked as in NNTP eras]

I think it is nothing new but only common sense!

I can initiate these pages as "draft" this W-E (I'm very busy these days), but they *will need* English/American reviewers at first, then a lot of authoring by more competent persons. What a wiki is intended for...

I will request a wiki account.

Q: can I write on wiki both in French and English for the "draft"?

Best regards,

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