On 04/02/16 19:31, John Sullivan wrote:
> We have a much-delayed update ready to publish (see
> https://www.fsf.org/news/fsf-commences-review-of-high-priority-free-software-projects-list-your-input-is-needed).
> After that's published, we will revisit our updating process and
> announce the next opportunity for feedback or what the revision process
> will be going forward.

The recent change in funding strategy at Software Freedom Conservancy
could also provide some inspiration for the strategy around this high
priority list.

Without a strategy, it is just as effective as a list for Santa.

Conservancy appear to be putting a stronger focus on the individual
developer+user of free software.  What would such a focus mean in terms
of this list?

It could be broken down into three things:

a) software for the home and work environment: basic things like helping
people manage their ever increasing collection of music, photos, movies,
contact data and other things like the ever increasing volume of
non-personal email (travel bookings, bank statements, etc), all these
things need to just work other developers are always becoming frustrated
with stuff that is a distraction from their own area of development

b) development tools and related things (e.g. alternative to Github)

c) business tools that are somewhat universal, e.g. double-entry
accounting is just as important whether you are running a single rental
property or a multinational corporation

Being able to do all of these things efficiently on a free software
platform would enable developers and small business to focus on the more
exotic things they really want to be doing.  On the other hand, if the
platform doesn't do those things well, it frustrates people, they are
nagged by users and they don't do productive development or we lose them

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