On 06/02/16 13:16, Fabio Pesari wrote:
> With libre hardware designs, anybody with a 3D printer and some skills
> to assemble computers could just build their own cheap laptops and sell
> them with a free user-friendly GNU/Linux distro like Trisquel
> preinstalled. No need to rely on the big hardware manufacturers anymore,
> to pay Microsoft or to care about things like UEFI and DRM!

This already exists. It’s the EOMA-68 Laptop.
luke demoed it working at fosdem and did a lighting talk.

*free software friendly: absolutely, the standard is designed to be,
there is already a mips brain card that is RYF.
*cheep: designed to be from the beginning.
*upgrade path: yep. to get a faster laptop you keep the laptop and pop
in a new faster "brain card", easy!

Check it out:

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