On 02/11/2016 03:58 PM, Alexander Berntsen wrote:
> The FSF should be about software, and the staff should strive not
> express their feelings regarding other things. As you correctly
> identify, free culture benefits the free software struggle (and vice
> versa) -- however, being anti-non-free culture eliminates potential
> members who would otherwise ally on free software ethics.

As I said, it's understood that the FSF is about software freedom (even
though there are no organizations that care about free culture, since
Creative Commons also created the nonfree -NC and -ND licenses); all I'm
saying is by using nonfree licenses for their own works and in some
cases making statements such as "art does not need to be free", they are
already taking a non-neutral position, and it's one that it's harming
free software in some cases (videogames).

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