On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 05:39:28PM +0000, Sam Pablo Kuper wrote:
> On 12/02/16 17:04, Blaise Alleyne wrote:
> >
> > I don't think copyright is an appropriate or effective tool for reaching the
> > objectives you describe above.
> >
> > Trademark on the other hand, would be, i.e. if someone makes a "restricted
> > modification", they should no longer be able to refer to it as the GNU GPL.
> > (That's not restricting people's freedom to fork the license, but avoiding
> > confusion if changes are made.)
> Blaise, I like your suggestion about trade marks perhaps being more
> appropriate than copyright for establishing this kind of protection.

Trademarks only work when registered per-country; more important,
they imply a product to be sold. the GNU GPL is not sold
in any reasonable sense; in fact, the GNU project denies that
(free) software should be treated like a product.

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