Hi guys, i let you know that our url about EOMA68 news has been changed
[0] to fix misleading information there too.


On 08/25/2016 08:18 PM, Christopher Waid wrote:
> On 2016-08-25 05:59 AM, Tiberiu-Cezar Tehnoetic wrote:
>> On 25.08.2016 11:42, Christopher Waid wrote:
>>> I'm having a hard time taking you seriously. Wake me when you've
>>> actually contributed something of significance and aren't just trying to
>>> undermine those working on solving these problems. For some of us it
>>> isn't about financial gain. We actually want to see 100% free hardware.
>> I don't need you to take me seriously. I'm merely stating the facts and
>> drawing logical conclusions. I could be just a new free software user
>> with no contribution what so ever.
> No. Your selectively quoting with the clear intent to mislead. You are
> doing exactly what you propose we're doing. There is a difference
> between accidentally misstating something technical and selectively
> pulling quotes that make it sound as if I was misleading people.
>> If you believe that what I'm doing is undermining your projects, then
>> you might be do something wrong in your projects. Like claiming your
>> proprietary BIOS laptops and desktops are OK in regard to software
>> freedom as your WiFi adapters.
> I never made that claim. You are twisting words around as if that is
> what I was saying. It was clear from the video and I'd encourage anybody
> who believes this to watch it.
>> Like claiming EOMA68 board is libre
>> hardware although no one has access to the PCB CAD files under a
>> free/libre license.
> Everything is already available with one exception that was clearly
> stated and the reason why. Luke was upfront about everything:
> "The only exception to this rule to release everything in advance is the
> PCB CAD files for the Computer Card. We’re planning to release the PCB
> CAD files for the Computer card once sufficient units are hit that
> ensures any third party manufacturing runs will not undermine the
> project’s development or stability."
> I also already explained that someone has already attempted to undermine
> the project. The decision to withhold this is temporary, and nobody said
> it was beholden on the success of the campaign even, and given that we
> have already released everything else our intent is clear.
> It's also unusual to release this kind of thing if it is released at all
> prior to the shipping of the rewards. It's not even wrong to release
> nothing until after the crowd funding campaign is done or the rewards
> ship. The fact it is being done prior is in spirit with the philosophy
> and a mark of good will toward the community.
>> Like not guaranteeing EOMA68 campaign backers that
>> they will receive the PCB CAD files under a free license along with the
>> EOMA68 product when shipped.
> It's already abundantly clear that it's going to be released. We're at
> $145,300 of $150,000 as of this moment. That is 97% and there is still
> 25 hours to go. There is zero chance we won't hit that target and
> technically we already surpassed the number needed for us to proceed
> because the # we estimated could not be 100% determined until we knew
> the ratios of rewards. Given that I don't see any reason Luke won't post
> the files soon. If he doesn't though it still won't matter from an
> ethical stand point because they will be released well before anybody
> gets these devices and it will be within the statements/promises made.
> Nobody is breaking a promise here.
>> Like claiming EOMA68 board is a
>> breakthrough in the line of software freedom. Like undermining Libreboot
>> project and spreading FUD about it (that Libreboot is only for old
>> x86-based laptops).
> While it supports a newer ARM laptop or two it's not any better
> ethically speaking from a freedom stand point than using free versions
> of Uboot. These Chromebooks are actually hostile to users freedom and
> I'd highly discourage people from going this route. The older X86
> LibreBoot laptops don't depend on proprietary firmwares for the wifi
> chips. With the older X86 laptops you can replace the internal wifi
> cards with free ones. That's not possible on the newer Chromebooks. This
> is just one great example of why EOMA68 matters so much.
> LibreBoot's value when you talk about freedom is on older X86 laptops.
> This is not FUD, just fact. There may be other features that are
> desirable and therefore support of EOMA68 devices makes sense. However
> it is not an ethics or freedom issue.
>> Like not providing config file to build LibreCMC.
> You are flat out lying. We ship it with every router on CD.
>> Like LibreCMC not building at all lately.
> This is nonsense. There are better directions for building LibreCMC than
> just about any other project and we are frequently complimented on how
> easy it is to get working. The Software Freedom Conservancy even used
> our routers as an example of how to do GPL compliance properly:
> https://copyleft.org/guide/comprehensive-gpl-guidech22.html. If there
> are issues building LibreCMC it's not something we did explicitly. It
> could be any number of problems.
> This is telling:
> "If an investigator of average skill in embedded firmware construction
> can surmise the proper procedures to build and install a replacement
> firmware, the instructions are likely sufficient to meet GPL’s
> requirements."
> Given they were able to build an image independent of us and are not the
> only ones it's reasonable to state you are full of it. We even improved
> the directions to make them better in the one area that they indicated
> improvement could be made (it was still completely GPL compliant despite
> this).
>> Like corrupting FSF to recommend your proprietary BIOS laptops and
>> desktops.
> Is anybody here buying this? The FSF is a totally independent
> organization that we have zero effective influence over. There is
> insignificant amounts going to the FSF relative to the donations and
> monies coming from other sources. It might not have been a good idea for
> them to word this as they did. However I did not have any involvement in
> this wording and there is no money being exchanged here.
> Here is the disclaimer: 10% of our regular eBay sales go to the FSF.
> This amount is donated via proxy and therefore I don't even think the
> FSF is aware that said donations are coming from us. I have an associate
> member subscription with the FSF. I have purchased a lot of t-shirts
> from the FSF over the years. We have sponsored Libre Planet for a number
> of years. I was once in a bidding war for a GNU stuffed animal and a GNU
> 30th cup at the GNU 30th b'day party that resulted in less than $600 USD
> going to the FSF. These were less than $50 and you could buy them before
> and after the auction. During the holiday one year we did contribute
> some amount from each sale to the FSF during the holiday promotion
> guide. So did others I believe.
> Now we do contribute to the Trisquel project 25% of the profits from any
> user purchasing through http://libre.thinkpenguin.com. This is the link
> that the FSF uses, many freedom conscious bloggers, Trisquel/FSF
> members, and so on. We have also sponsored Ruben's (Trisquel founder)
> accommodations or travel in the past when has come to Libre Planet. This
> pre-dates Ruben's employment with the FSF.
> I think that sums it up. Nothing of significance relative to the million
> dollars they have (https://www.fsf.org/about/financial).

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