As requested both by Richard Stallman in this mailing list and by
Gaming4JC in #parabola IRC channel, I collected some email addresses of
the people with the largest number of commits in the projects envolved.

Considering QTWebEngine, whose list was obtained from
<>, I
noticed these are three that stand out:

- Allan Sandfeld Jensen <>
- Kai Koehne <>
- Peter Varga <>

Note: For the list mentioned above, most of the contacts' email
addresses were taken from the most recent commit's "Reviwed-by" field.

Since, according to Gaming4JC (IRC nick), this issue affects Konqueror
the most, because it switched to QTWebEngine, I selected from
<> (see the note below):

- David Faure <>
- Script Kiddy <>
  - Since this address is also associated with a "l10n daemon script"
    contributor, I got information about an extra contributor just in case.
- Simon Hausmann <>
- Dawit Alemayehu <>

Note: Konqueror's Git web browsing provider doesn't provide ways to
those with most commits, so one has to clone the repository and used
something similar to:

# Begin of script
git log --format='%aN <%aE>' | awk '{ arr[$0]++ } END {for (i in arr) {
print arr[i], i; }}' | sort '-rn' | cut -d'\' -f2-
# End of script

Furthermore, as promised, I reported the bug to KDE project, and they
seem to have overlooked the issue so far. Instead, they suggest us
(<>) to report to the
developers of QTWebEngine through the latter's mailing list at
<> (web page:

This Sunday I'll send the report adapting suggestions for use by
QTWebEngine project. so I also have some questions:

- Is there any suggestion you see doable by them?

- If you haven't already, please also share some references that show
  the issue in question.

Respectfully, Adonay.
* pt-BR: Brasileiro | en: Brazilian
* pt-BR: Ativista do software livre | en: Free/libre software activist
* pt-BR: Palestrante, consultor e avaliador | en: Speaker, consultant and 

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