On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 06:21:50PM -0400, Bob Jonkman wrote:
> I'm enjoying this discussion; it is helping clarify my thoughts in the
> matter. Please don't take my objections as anything more than a
> personal opinion. As always, you are free to choose the license for
> your code, and I am free to use your code as licensed, or not use it
> at all.

Not at all, I sent this e-mail to get people's opinions on the matter,
after all :)

> You wrote:
> > MIT license gives the user the same freedoms as the xGPL, however
> > it is more relaxed
> That's contradictory. Either it gives the same freedoms, or it is more
> relaxed. Can't be both at the same time. If it is "more relaxed" I
> understand that to mean that it does not enforce its license; so the
> MIT license does not offer the user the same rigorous standing to
> protect that users' freedoms.

Let me clarify a bit, GPL and MIT give the same 4 essential freedoms
(hence why they are both Free Software Licenses to users. The difference
is what the license provides to developers. Some developers prefer to be
able to change license for a variety of reasons. These people would then
be able to choose the license for their software without it being
decided for them by a library that they are using. However, they are
still forced to use a Free Software license (such as MIT).

> Anyway, I am satisfied that the xGPL licenses meet my needs as both a
> developer and a software user, and so I am unlikely to switch.

That's fine, I like the xGPL licenses as well and use them for most of
my projects. However, I don't work on libraries either, and I think that
such a license would be really good for Free Software libraries.

Nicolás Ortega Froysa (Deathsbreed)
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