Changing one little word changes a lot.

In the original post (your 2nd link) the author blatantly changes the
wording to:

…and then he says that an enslaved child could, somehow, be “entirely

From RMS's words:  We can imagine many scenarios, but the most plausible
scenario is that
she presented herself to him as entirely willing ...

Keyword differences "being" and "presenting herself as being"

I'm not condoning anything, but I am calling attention to a blatant
mis-quote that the op makes central to her outrage.

On Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 10:35 AM MARY-ANNE WOLF <> wrote:

> I have been a financial supporter of FSF since... 2011 at least.  I first
> used emacs in... the 1980's I think it was.
> Way to drive away any female supporter of FSF and Libre software
> generally, Richard! I really did think you were smarter than that.
> Look!  A person underage (and the age is defined differently in different
> states) CANNOT give consent to sex.  That is why there is such a thing as
> statutory rape.  Thus, whether the young lady was paid (and prostitution is
> also illegal in most places, and transporting someone for purpose of
> prostitution also) and whether she was willing in any other sense, if she
> was too young, she CANNOT have given consent to sex, so the sex MUST have
> been rape as legally defined.
> If Stallman is too stupid to understand that, the FSF needs to throw him
> out with force and distance itself from him as fast as they can, before FSF
> loses the support of most of its female supporters and a large fraction of
> its more woke male supporters.
> Is Stallman nuts?
> Mary-Anne
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