Caleb Herbert <> wrote:
> Most people cannot access or afford decent Replicant devices.

No people can access or afford _decent_ Replicant devices: they are simply 

A device, listed at (which would _not_ fully work under it 
anyway), could be obtained very easily and for a laughable price, though.

> It is impractical to suggest people use them.

Here I am fully agree with you.

> F-Droid is not the answer.  It is a last resort for device addicts to gain 
> partial freedom.  We should primarily suggest people to not have mobile 
> devices
> We should teach them how to live a happy life without them, and how to do it.

_That_, not some silly ‘statutory rape’ stuff above, is what really makes RMS 
views startling: he is a luddite.  I am hardly able to realise, how could a man 
who discover and devote his life to promote the most revolutionary social 
phenomenon of last 30 years and a man who believes that we (a) are able to and 
(b) should try to resist the technical progress, because besides positive 
consequences it entails some negative too, be the same person, but the mobile 
telephony is not the only point where he does so.

And yes, both mobile phones per se and ‘phones’ that you mean (that is, 
handheld PCs with modem, navigator, camera, etc, etc built-in) have been 
enormous progress.  Calling people, that make use of them, ‘addicts’ is nothing 
more reasonable, that calling ‘addicts’ people who have got ‘addicted’ to 
Internet or ‘addicted’ to hot water.

> We should recognize the needs people fulfill with their phones, and offer 
> replacements.  We should show testimonies of people who do this every day 
> successfully, and show that it is possible to live life with user respecting 
> devices.

Well, you know: it is fully possible to live you life without Internet and hot 
water.  I could provide you testimonies from people who do this successfully, 
if you will.  ;-)

Luddism is a path that leads no nowhere.

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