On Sun, September 15, 2019 9:07 pm, Eric Schultz wrote:
> None of this anything to do with free software. It has nothing to do with
> the practical response to the PR crisis caused by RMS' continued refusal
> to
> act like a responsible human being.
> This entire discussion today proved the worst of the FSF to be completely
> true. I'm pretty much done with this organization since it's rotten from
> the President, a majority of the board down to seemingly a major portion
> of
> it's supporters. It's proof that a large portion of the FSF supporters are
> in the RMS worship movement a lot more than they're in the free software
> movement.
> FSF, GNU and sadly the GPL are likely doomed unless there is massive
> change
> immediately. Based on just this discussion, it seems there's no chance of
> that change. Once the free software movement is fatally wounded, I hope
> many of the people here can take comfort that they got a chance to debate
> the finer points of what is child sexual assault and to parse in
> excruciating detail the reprehensible statements of RMS.
> Eric
> PS: if you disagree, don't contact me. You and I aren't in the same
> movement; you're not in the free software movement, you're in the RMS
> worship movement.

If you do not back you statements on facts, you are making personal
attacks on all of us. Please cite proof for every sentence.

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