Matt Ivie <> writes:
> There are some things in this situation that are not totally clear to
> me:
> 1) Is RMS still going to have any kind of interaction with the FSF? 
> 2) I am unclear as to the motivation for his resignation. I'd like to
> know if he voluntarily resigned or if he was urged or forced to
> "voluntarily" resign?
> 2a) Did RMS, or the FSF board have him resign to do some damage control
> and create distance between himself and the FSF or did he resign due to
> demand of the board and others within the FSF because they wanted him
> gone, as has been theorized?
> Having a clear understanding of these motivations can be helpful in
> trying to sort out where we need to go next.

It's funny, I asked RMS privately almost the same questions (the 2nd
before the 1st)

He told me he wanted to spread his words and make them understood, so I
think he won't mind if I directly quote him here:

Richard Stallman <> writes:

> [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
> [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
> [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
>   > * Did you make the decision alone, or were you encouraged by the FSF
>   >   Board of Directors?
> Yes, but I agreed it was necessary.
>   > * Will you continue to work for the GNU Project (...)?
> I do not intend to step down as the Chief GNUisance.
> I have not finished campaigning for free software!
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