On Thu, 10 Oct 2019 23:47:42 +0300
Dmitry Alexandrov <321...@gmail.com> wrote:

> David <postmas...@customer-opinions.net> wrote:
> > Calling such actions "censorship" is a very extreme reaction IMHO
> > as the very same core points could have been made in a less
> > excitable manner without potential breaching of the above linked
> > guidelines and thus without triggering any negative actions.  
> That’s curious.  Could you elaborate, please, why censoring due to
> form rather than due to substance is not censorship?  No dictionary
> available to me suggest it.

Making a point can be done in many ways. You can do it with
name-calling, with assuming bad faith and other such breaches of the
guidelines or without such things but the point remains the same be it
that it is made with breaches of the guidelines or without.

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