I may have attributed the foot smell comment to the wrong
person.  Sorry, if so.

Whoever said it, these threads have gone beyond absurd, and beyond
even any pretense of basic decency, nevermind seriously
minded activism.

Will people please move on from these topics, and those who
aren't satisfied, please just exercise your freedom not to
associate with the FSF.

There is a global pandemic.  There is a global climate emergency.
Both of those are areas where software freedom can help
quite a bit.   There is a big crisis in the capitalist markets
around mass surveillance, centralized (dis-)services, and so on.
These are real crises for software freedom.   There is so much our
already existing stock of software can do that people aren't
using it for - and this too is a crisis/opportunity for software
freedom.   There is a question of how to have libre planet when
air travel is ecologically insane and so forth -- that's another
relevant topic to talk about.

Stop with the trolling about RMS, and trolling is about what it has
boiled down to at this point.


On 2021-04-16 14:04, Thomas Lord wrote:
* Danny Spitzberg <stationa...@gmail.com> [2021-04-16 08:21]:
"(I was not close enough to smell his feet, however)"

Please get off this list.   There is no place for such infintile


On 2021-04-15 23:22, Jean Louis wrote:
* Danny Spitzberg <stationa...@gmail.com> [2021-04-16 08:21]:
On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 10:04 PM Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> wrote:

> * Danny Spitzberg <stationa...@gmail.com> [2021-04-16 07:44]:
> > Unfortunately, but unsurprisingly, the recording of the talk cuts off
> > before RMS started yelling angrily.

I don’t know where it is. Sorry, Jean! I can tell you RMS was sitting in the back-left of room 123 of the MIT Stata Center, wearing a green collard
shirt, black pants, and no shoes or sandals or socks (I was not close
enough to smell his feet, however). I hope you’ll believe me all the

You bring up some ha ha cultural differences, but some people are more
free and some not. Would he be Muslim in some kind of a Muslim dress,
would you value him for the merits or how he looks like...

I am grown up in a place where we like to be comfortable, so in the
bus, I will often take my shoes off to be comfortable, but even if it
does not smell somebody will not like it.

Yesterday I was in park as in my role as investor and I am sitting on
ground with a lovely student just as I would be doing it with 14
years old, but somebody may not find it appropriate.

I think those cultural things should not be subject of anything called
"Planet" as if you truly want a planet, accept people how they are,
and look for their merits, not personal choice of having sandals or

Currently being located in Easter Africa, I can see many people
walking barefoot, including in the rain, I see nice woman of about
22-25 walking barefoot on mud, I would do the same to join her. Before
few days receptionist brings me food to my lodge room and I receive
him naked and he does not mind.

Further, that somebody does not have sandals and is sitting behind is
nothing that may be compared to what you say unwelcoming.

What would be unwelcoming is when RMS would have no sandals and would
be demanding that everybody entering the room should have no

You see, me personally, not being same as you, I would not mind when
people don't wear sandals, as I am planetary citizen, and I believe
you can be the same. There are larger rooms and public spaces here in
Uganda where you need to put your shoes outside before entering to
keep the space cleaner, I do not say it is really objectively cleaner,
but I am giving you example of planetary differences in human
interactions or intermixed behavior.

Your personal impression does not yet not even closely justify ability
of RMS to speak for FSF, neither justify public shamings.

What I would suggest to you Deb is to start traveling and learn what
our planet really is.

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