* Paul Sutton via libreplanet-discuss <libreplanet-discuss@libreplanet.org> 
[2021-06-26 09:54]:
> Just followng this,  LaTeX is optimised for science and maths typesetting I
> find it very useful for general use anyway, i have both my CV and letter
> template in LaTeX.
> As far as I am concerned it is Free software,  granted I do use it using
> Overleaf but I like the cloud side of that,  which I know isn't fully free
> software but this is about being practical.
> I really hope that LaTeX (and from replies it will) stays available as I
> think a lot of people would miss it if removedl

Issues have to be clarified, as wordings could be wrong, one has to
contact parties. You could contact parties and ask them to clarify
those proprietary issues. It is possible maybe to remove proprietary

FSDG distributions should not drive people to proprietary. 

Those parts could maybe get rewritten as free software.

I also think that FSDG distributions should try to resolve the issue
before removing LaTeX.


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