Hi Devin (and All),

On Fri, 2022-03-25 at 11:36 -0400, Devin Ulibarri wrote:
> Hi,
> On 3/24/22 14:45, Leland Best wrote:
> > I couldn't find a place on the web-site for feedback about the 2022
> > (virtual)
> > LibrePlanet conference so I'm posting it here. 
> The LibrePlanet 2022 Questionnaire is published here:
> https://my.fsf.org/node/49
> > My apologies if I'm out of line.
> > Obviously, all this is strictly my personal opinion.
> There is nothing wrong with posting feedback to this mailing list. That
> being said, replies to the questionnaire help staff to more conveniently
> assess feedback in aggregate (e.g. to better see how many others may be
> saying similar things about x, y, and/or z). Please consider also adding
> your feedback to the questionnaire linked above.

Ah!  Thanks for the tip/pointer/link.  Will do.

> As for the videos, the staff are busily working on preparing them for
> publication. We expect them to be published fairly soon.

Great!  FWIW, no "rush" for me, just good to know they _will_ be posted (and
where).  Thanks again for everybody's time and effort!

> Thank you,
> Devin

Leland C. Best      | Creationists make it sound as though a 'theory' is
lcbpub...@gmail.com |  something you dreamt up after being drunk all night.
                    | -- Isaac Asimov
PGP Fingerprint     | 7B23ACB474299DF0E07F6DEBB8FEE465DCB9B6C3

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