Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 22:55:51 -0800 (PST)
From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] >8GB HDDs in Libs without drive overlay

> >I really don't get that.  How does the MBR EZ-Drive backed up, and then 
> >restored, know where all the partitions are?  That backed up MBR should 

   Here's the layman's explanation from earlier this year.  A more detailed
reason covering the BIOS in greater detail can be found in another earlier post
in the Libretto Mailing List archives.

   That said, you don't need EZ-Drive to get a >8GB HD working correctly in the
Libretto, but for people who don't know anything about anything, it's the
surest and easiest way to go.

   1) If you are running Windows 2000/XP, Linux, you don't need EZ-Drive at all
because these OSs can see and utilize the entire HD regardless of size.

   2) If you use other OSs, you can leave out EZ-Drive if you understand what's
said below.  (in other words, as long as the partitions are created properly
with a 3rd party partitioning program, then you're fine w/o EZ-Drive)

   3) To be safe, you will need to leave the area around the 8GB limit of the
BIOS free on the HD (ie. unpartitioned).  If you don't do this, any data that
is in this area will be overwritten by the Libretto when it performs a
"Hibernate to Disk".  

      Naturally, you can ignore this advice if you think you'll never initiate
a hibernate to disk, and simply have one big partition using up all of the
space on the HD.  However, I would strongly recommend backups in this case in
case it does happen by accident.

   Have fun!


Date:   Thu, 15 Jan 2004 12:18:29 -0800 
From:   "Philip Nienhuis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Add to Address Book      
To:     "Libretto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Subject:        Re: [LIB] BIOS 8GB Limit - Fix? 

Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 21:21:40 +0100
From: Philip Nienhuis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] BIOS 8GB Limit - Fix?

> In a message dated 1/15/2004 12:10:37 PM Mountain Standard Time,
> > List Folk,
> >
> > I tripped over this page months ago, bookmarked it, and forgot about it
> > until
> > today.  It appears to be a fix for the Libretto's (L100CT) infamous HDD 
> > restriction.
> >
> >
> >
> > Evaluation of these data is beyond me - maybe Neil or Raymond or David can
> > offer an opinion on this utility.  I am interested in trying it, though!
> >
> >
> > Lee
> >
> Nevermind.  Should've searched the archives first.  David posted about this
> back in 2002.  Still interesting, though.  Anyone tried it?

Sure, as I reported earlier to David Chien, I perceive this to be the
ultimate fix. IMO Libretto 100/110 owners should all be grateful to Wilm
Bockey who has really sorted the nitty gritty out in great detail.
Recently I found that LDS100CT v. alpha2 crashed on HDs > 32 GB. Just a
few days ago Wilm Bockey sent me an updated version (alpha 4). This
version still cannot access beyond 32 GB, but will not crash. He said he
would put it up soon (v. alpha4 that is).
So, for HDs > 8 GB you can safely use LDS100CT alpha4, be it that you
get at most 32 GB.

Not wanting to be zealous, I'll repeat here again my opinion on problems
with HD's > 8 GB in the Libretto 100/110:
The problems are twofold:

1. The hibernation area (usually) at cylinders 1017-1026. Solution: just
avoid this area. Most easily done by first making a preliminary
partition scheme with Win9x/DOS FDISK using the maximum disk size. The
hibernation area will be immediately beyond it, invisible to FDISK. Just
leave it at this, and go tackle problem 2:

2. Windows 95/98/98SE/ME & DOS FDISK, these are fooled by the BIOS about
the HD size. Mind you, this Win9x/DOS FDISK version is the _ONLY_
affected FDISK version! So to make Win98 now able to see your entire > 8

     *just avoid* Win9x/DOS FDISK and use some other partitioning tool!

(sorry for shouting.) Take good notice of where the preliminary
partition scheme of step 1 ended - add at least 71 MB (= hibernation
area) and make new partitions beyond that. Once the proper entries are
in the MBR and the logical partition chain, Win9x will take that to be
the Truth and it will happily access FAT/FAT32 partitions beyond 8 GB.

Remains the problem of _how_ to get the proper entries in the MBR.
Well that's easy, just use Partition Magic or Linux fdisk or OS/2's
FDISK or Win2K disk manager or .... whatever.
I'd consider EZ-drive + Win9x FDISK an absolute last resort. You do not
need any disk manager at all. Indeed, using EZ-drive and on top of that
Partition Magic as I've read on this list is quite a bit overdone, but
yes, it will work.


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