Hello Andreas,

* Andreas Metzler wrote on Sun, Oct 28, 2007 at 09:34:25AM CET:
> [...] However, the way libtool
> tries to represent this information in sonames (on Linux) is rather
> strange, it goes straight from libgnutls.so.13 to libgnutls.so.23. Is
> this huge jump just bug or is there a reason for it?

The reason for it is simplicity in the version number calculation.
There is no requirement for version numbers to be consecutive except
for "consecutive looks nicer" and the finite number space.  I assume
its pressure to be far lower than the incompatible change a different
version number calculation would make.

The way libtool computes them, it even causes different major version
numbers on different systems, so the above jump is even specific to the
linux version_type and not all types.



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