On Sat, May 05, 2007 at 12:30:13PM +0100, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> You may notice in remoteDispatchClientRequest that parts are generated 
> automatically, eg. the dispatch switch statement:
>     switch (req.proc) {
> #include "remote_dispatch_proc_switch.h"
>     default:
>         remoteDispatchError (client, &req, "unknown procedure: %d",
>                              req.proc);
>         xdr_destroy (&xdr);
>         return;
>     }
> This is to remove the need to write this tedious and error-prone code by 
> hand.

Good idea.

Not really many comments for these files.

> void
> remoteDispatchClientRequest (struct qemud_server *server ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
>                              struct qemud_client *client)
>     ....
>    char *args = NULL, *ret = NULL;

Could those two variables instead be void * - to avoid the need to cast
all assignments to them ?

Finally, with


Is it possible to tweak the macro definition so its use appears as


So its clear what variable this macro is doing work against.

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