On Thu, Jul 12, 2007 at 01:46:51PM +0200, Keck, Christian (ext) wrote:
> Hello guys!
> I am using the perl bindings (Sys::Virt) to manage my virtual xen hosts.
> Because it directly maps the C api, I thought it's a good idea to ask
> you instead of the author of this module.
> Xen version is 3.0 with libvirt 0.1.9 on a red hat box.
> while calling the reboot method i get following error:
> libvirt error code: 0, message: Unknown problem
> In this case the virtual system does not reboot. 
> But with shutdown method, which throw the same error, the system shuts
> down correctly.
> Here is my code:
> my $vmm = Sys::Virt->new();
> my $dom = eval { $vmm->get_domain_by_name( $p->{ name } ) };
> $dom->reboot(&Sys::Virt::Domain::REBOOT_RESTART);
> Is this a known issue? Thank you for your help.

I've not come across it before, but I'll investigate to try and figure
out what's wrong.

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