On Wed, Aug 06, 2008 at 12:20:50PM +0200, Chris Lalancette wrote:
> DanB pointed out that my sexpr xend_internal patch from yesterday broke one of
> the regression tests.  The problem is that the xenDaemonFormatSxpr{Disk,Net}
> functions are shared between domain creation time and attaching disk time.
> Unfortunately, though, Xend expects something different during these two 
> times.
>  During domain creation time, it wants the "(device" in front of the sexpr,
> while during attach time it does not.  To remedy this situation, I added a 
> flag
> to these two functions to differentiate between these two modes.  With this
> patch in place, all of the regression tests pass.
> Signed-off-by: Chris Lalancette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

ACK, thanks for fixing this up.

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