On 1/16/15 12:13 PM, Laine Stump wrote:
On 01/16/2015 01:00 PM, Gary R Hook wrote:
Warning: possibly rhetorical or already answered question ahead.

Why is the git repository that is located here:
which is pointed to by this page here:
Only valid up to 13 Aug 2012?

AFAIR it was a volunteer effort started by someone whose duties took
them elsewhere, and nobody else has stepped in to take it over.

If you fancy yourself a tech writer, feel free to contribute :-)

Yes, well, while I consider myself at least competent when it comes to prose, I prefer to know my subject inside and out. And I am nowhere near that level of proficiency with libvirt.

Thus I must refrain from volunteering for that task. ;-)

Gary R Hook
Senior Kernel Engineer

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