On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 11:44:06AM +0300, Zvi Dubitzky wrote:
> I am trying to update the kvm driver and userspace using existing kernel
> 1) using the tar ball  from kvm at sourceforge  I can do it , but only kvm 
> -84 is there 
> 2) if i try the latest version from the git tree I am able to do the first 
> 2 steps (make --kerneldir=<exisitng kernel headers> , make sync )
>   . but the final make  fails during compile of libkvm.c.   results  in 
> the file below (dated 3/29/09)
>   Am I missing something  Should I recompile the whole  kerenl as a

We can't really help with issue compiling / building KVM on this list.
I'd suggest trying the kvm development list which has many more KVM
experts reading it... 


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