Hello guys,

OS Fedora 23 with latest updates

Recently I have switched to use LVM cache feature on logical volume
/dev/hdd/windata1 to improve it performace using 32GB partition from SSD

However, when my computer will start, my virtual machine won't autostart

Mar 21 10:48:57 brutus-coreos libvirtd[956]: Cannot access storage file
'/dev/hdd/windata1' (as uid:107, gid:107): No such file or directory
Mar 21 10:48:57 brutus-coreos libvirtd[956]: Failed to autostart VM
'winos1': Cannot access storage file '/dev/hdd/windata1' (as uid:107,
gid:107): No such file or directory
Mar 21 10:48:57 brutus-coreos libvirtd[956]: Cannot access storage file
'/dev/hdd/windata1' (as uid:107, gid:107): No such file or directory

It seems that when using LVM cache, one have to wait till it will

When I will manually start virtual machine afterwards, everything works OK :

[root@brutus-coreos ~]# virsh start winos1
Domain winos1 started

I have tried to remove LVM cache from  /dev/hdd/windata1 and afterward
autostart works! So it must be LVM cache related.

Can you please help me to solve this ?

Thanks in advance

David Hlacik

+420-777-307-745 | da...@hlacik.cz

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