On Mon, Sep 05, 2016 at 05:44:03PM +0200, Roman Mohr wrote:
Hi all,

I have been using these pretty nice libvirt-binding library for golang [1].
It is under active development, pretty well maintained and has a very nice
travis setup to run tests against libvirt [2].

I was wondering if the bindings could be added to [3] on libvirt.org.

Hi, it's great to hear that.  We'd love to add those to the list.  Would
you mind sending a patch to libvirt against 'docs/bindings.html.in'
file?  That page needs heavy updating, but I can take care of the rest.
If you don't feel like updating it, just let me know and I'll add it in
while updating the old info that's there.

Have a nice day,

Best Regards,

[1] https://github.com/rgbkrk
[2] https://github.com/rgbkrk/libvirt-go/blob/master/.travis.yml
[3] https://libvirt.org/bindings.html

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