On 12/20/2016 10:19 AM, Andrea Bolognani wrote:
On Mon, 2016-12-19 at 10:23 -0500, Laine Stump wrote:
If the multifunction attribute isn't set in the config for the device
at function 0 of a slot used for multifunction, it would previously
have been an error. This patch will instead automatically correct the
omission (but only if it hasn't been set at all - if someone
explicitly has "multifunction='off'" on function 0, or
"multifunction='on'" when function != 0, we have to assume they have a
reason for that).
This effectively obsoletes the requirement of specifying
multifunction='on' in the config, although you're still free to do
so. Note that if you migrate a domain that needs an implied
"multifunction='on'" back to any older libvirt that doesn't have it,
the migration will fail. (Note that this would only be an issue with a
domain config that was *created* on a newer libvirt; any config
created on an older libvirt and then later migrated to a newer libvirt
would necessarily have multifunction explicitly set in the config, and
that will not be lost during migration).
I keep forgetting our official stance on migrating to older
libvirt versions...

As far as I'm concerned, the only reason you would want to do
that is because you are upgrading your hypervisor pool and,
at some point during the process, you realize there are issues
with the upgrade and need to roll back. As you mention, that
use case would work just fine because the guests have been
defined using an older libvirt versions.

Thinking about it more - even if the domain is defined using a new libvirt version, as long as the management is still setting multifunction manually (which will be the case for everything except auto-added pcie-root-ports), it will still be reflected in the config, and a migration to a host with older libvirt will still work. This narrows the scope of "unable to migrate from new->old libvirt even more - it's only a problem if you define a new domain that auto-adds pcie-root-ports, or add pcie-root-ports to an existing domain on a "new libvirt" host, then migrate it to an "old libvirt" host. Since the auto-adding of pci-root-ports *at all* (much less on multiple functions of a single slot) is a new feature, and in general it's quite often not possible to migrate domains that use new features from newer to older libvirt, I think this is acceptable.

That said, is there any reason why this code can't be moved
to the PostParse callback, so that the multifunction property
will show up in the guest configuration and the issue will be
side-stepped entirely?

I'd rather not pollute new configurations with attributes that aren't necessary. But more important - if you remove a device from a function of a slot and end up leaving only the device on function 0, then it should no longer have multifunction set; when we do the setting of multifunction automatically at runtime, this will happen by itself, but if we save the multifunction=on in the config, then it will require manual intervention.

Normally I would say that it's desirable to record all option settings in the XML in order to maintain guest ABI, but in this case the existing setting would be incorrect once the other devices on the slot are removed, and the act of removing the other devices changes the guest ABI anyway, so it would/should be expected by the guest.

So does this patch get an ACK? Or am I being too cavalier about migration compatibility?

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