On Tue, 2017-01-10 at 14:32 +0100, Oscar Segarra wrote:
> :_____

You've sent four pings to this thread over the course of a
mere six days. That's *way* too many.

I realize this issue might be very pressing for you, but that
doesn't exempt you from list etiquette. Moreover, as you can
probably imagine, most of the people frequenting the list
are just now returning to their computers after end-of-year
break and will have quite a backlog to work through.

Someone will get around to replying to your message in due
time; if a couple of weeks have passed and you still haven't
gotten any replies, *at that point* it's perfectly fine to
ping the list.

One final note: libvir-list is for the development of libvirt
itself, questions such as this one are better asked on the
libvirt-users list.

Andrea Bolognani / Red Hat / Virtualization

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