> >> Replies don't include your patch; however, I will note if you jump to
> >> patch 13:
> >
> > What do you mean? Don't you see squash.patch in the attachment? (yes, I
> > attached a patch instead of inlining it, the reason for that being that the
> > patch is not particularly small and inlining it would disrupt the thread...)
> >
> Oh - I meant when I reply to your patch with an attachment, I don't get
> your attachment in the reply. So I guess it was a early morning and
> feeble attempt to note that one had to go look at your reply in order to
> get context!

Nah, it's just my poor English - I could have considered other meanings, I just
went with the most straightforward without thinking about it much, it does make
sense now that you helped to steer the light so it could dawn on the marblehead.


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