On Mon, 2017-11-13 at 10:36 -0500, John Ferlan wrote:
> Those against test bloat would point out only one of the three options
> is really necessary... IDRC, but I also see the trend that could be
> started as new things are added that have 10 different options.  I'm
> fine with any one of the 3 to be used... Your call though.  Since
> 'enabled' is used for the without CAPS test and 'resizing' for the wrong
> machine test, then perhaps 'disabled' should be the one carried through
> - just a thought as all 3 would then "prove" the ability to parse the 3
> options.

Good point.

I've reduced it to just two input files: pseries-hpt-resizing, loaded
once with the capability present and once with the capability absent,
and pseries-hpt-resizing-invalid-machine, which behaves the same as

I'm going to push the series shortly, thanks for your review! :)

Andrea Bolognani / Red Hat / Virtualization

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