On Thu, Nov 05, 2009 at 01:17:41PM -0500, Cole Robinson wrote:
> In testing migration, I was hitting an error in the Perform step, but this
> was being returned as 'Unknown Error' via virsh. The reason is that even
> a failed Perform will call MigrateFinish to do cleanup, but Finish will
> always return an NULL == error in that case, overwriting the original message.
> I've added internal APIs which allow temporarily disabling error reporting:
> any ReportError calls will log the error message, but will not overwrite the
> previous error and will not trigger the error callback. These APIs are then
> used in a few places where they are needed.

I don't particularly like this as a concept. Could we do this the other
way around, whereby we call  virSaveLastError() before the bit of code
which might clobber the error we want, and then add a new method to set
it back afterwards.

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