On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 11:39:29PM -0500, Chris Tyler wrote:
> I've been experimenting with using libvirt to manage qemu-system-arm
> VMs, and it's working fine in F12. However, in F13Alpha, the wrong
> arguments are passed to the emulator -- I suspect that the x86 platform
> versions of qemu accept new argument formats, and qemu-system-arm hasn't
> been updated. The versions in F13alpha are qemu-system-arm 0.12.3 and
> libvirt 0.7.6.
> Could this be reverted, or the old code conditionally invoked?
> Sample ARM root filesystem, domain XML, and kernel are located at
> http://cdot.senecac.on.ca/arm -- as well as a wrapper script
> for /usr/bin/qemu-system-arm that edits the command-line arguments.
> Thanks for considering this--

Can you provide the libvirt logfile showing the full command line argv
that libvirt generates & the error message QEMU returns with our new
formatting of args


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